March 26, 2012 - Vol. 23, No. 11


News That Concerns Kiwanians and Their Families



Sign outside Laconia High School
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

A warm welcome extended from LHS principal, Steve Beals, and Key Club member, Alana Persson
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

19 Kiwanis Club members (including Ben Black from the Laconia PD)
12 Key Club members and their guests (Cydney Vachon and Gregory Wood)
02 Key Club advisors: Steve Tucker and Bonnie Ashworth
02 Guests: Steve Beals and Scott Davis

Meet the Laconia High School Key Club and their helpers:

Front Row: Gwendolyn Huot and Cydney Vachon (student at Huot Culinary Center)
Second Row: Alana Persson
Third Row: Beth Teichert (President), Rebecca Mitchell (Co-Vice President)
Fourth Row: Abby Teichert (Co-Vice President), Panthavy Pradachith, and Andrew Kearns
Fifth Row: Steve Tucker and Bonnie Ashworth (Key Club Advisors)
Top row: Gregory Wood (guest helper of the Key Club)
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

Key Club members present who were not in the above picture:
Sarah Dragon
Emilie Maddocks
Katherine Mitchell
Photos by W. Stephen Loughlin

Special Member and Guest Speakers:
Officer Ben Black - from the Laconia Police Department
Steve Beals - Laconia High School Principal
Scott Davis - Laconia High School Huot Tech Director

Ben Black
Steve Beals
Scott Davis
Photos by W. Stephen Loughlin

Warren Mitchell

Request from the Prez:
President Roger is looking for a volunteer(s) who wouldn’t mind taking notes at our meetings that would be used for the biweekly bulletin. Please let Roger know if you can help.

Reminder:  The annual Bike Rodeo is scheduled for May 12th…helmets have been ordered.

From the Fund Raising Chairman:
Brian Winslow reported the Fund-raising Committee will be having a meeting on April 4th at 780 N Main Street, Laconia. Any Kiwanian is welcome to attend. The meeting starts at 4:30 p.m.

Brian Winslow also reported that the St. Patrick’s Day Dinner netted about $600 for the program.  There were 134 people in attendance.

Past Pres. Brian and Pres. Roger smile during the (full house) second seating of the St. Patrick's Day dinner.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin


Other News:
Jack Batchelder reports to the club that the RVYSEF had a successful card show raising $800.  Larry Murphy was announced as one of the raffle winners. Larry won season tickets to the Laconia Muskrats.

Betty Ballantyne read a thank-you from Beth Strauss to the club. Beth was one of the two speakers at our last meeting. To read Beth’s thank-you note, “click” here.

50 50:    
29 dollars to the winner

"I won!"
"No, I won!"

To find out who won the money, "click" here.

Happy Dollars:

$2 from Brian Winslow…One for winning the 50/50 and one because it is Steve Loughlin's mother’s birthday today.
$2 from John Walker for dining with the Key Club.
$1 from Jack Batchelder for the successful RVYSEF card show
$5 from President Roger for having: Officer Ben Black and Steve Beals in attendance, a successful St. Patricks Day Dinner, the Key Club cook for us the last two weeks, and because Mike Marsh is back.
$2 from Betty Ballantyne…One because Irwin Motors is hosting "Lady’s and Wheels" on April 11th and one because Irwin Motors is hosting a Drive One for your School benefiting the Drama club on April 19th.
$1 from John Markland because tonight’s meal, which was prepared by the Laconia Key Club, was the best meal he has had at a Kiwanis meeting ever.
$1 from Roger Webster for his clean bill of health.

None tonight

Guest Speakers:

Steve Beals and Scott Davis joined the club again this evening to present more information about the construction project at Laconia High and the Huot Center.  Funding sources include $7.5 million state dollars, $6 million interest free loan, $1 million in existing funds.  Requests for proposals go out on April 15th to a number of construction agencies.  May 18th bids are due back.  Big items include new roof on existing building, new heating system facility wide and an addition and renovation of the Huot Center and school space. 


Scott Davis explained that the renovation will start June 18, 2012.  The new addition will be finished by April 2013 and all construction will be finished by the summer of 2013.


c ccccccccccccccccccccbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbccc

June 18, 2012 - April 2013 Phase One Construction
Renovate pre-engineering/manufacturing, Automotive, Building & Construction, Electrical Service, LHS work at 3 hr wall, new egress from café.
Boiler Plant
Huot Addition

April 20 - August 20, 2013 Phase Two Construction

Renovate plumbing & heating lab, biotech lab, remaining manufacturing renovations (welding, storage, etc.)
Renovate LHS Science labs

June 18 - August 20, 2013

Existing football field remains in service until Nov. 1, 2012
Build temp road and begin major earthwork and rough site work
Construct new field, parking lot and practice fields
Steve Beals then led the Kiwanis club on a tour of the Huot Center and Laconia High School.


Front of Laconia High School in 2012 before renovations
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin


Rendering of the front of Laconia High School after completion of renovations
Photo of rendering by W. Stephen Loughlin


West side of Laconia High School in 2012 before renovations
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

Rendering of the west side of Laconia High School after completion of renovations
Photo of rendering by W. Stephen Loughlin



L to R: Scott Davis, Roger Landry and Steven Beals
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

Tonight's meeting was adjourned at 7:32 p.m.




Next meeting, we're back at Pheasant Ridge Country Club.

This is the site for our meetings starting in April.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin


Monday April 9th
Club Meeting - Shannon Kelly from Lakes Region Community Services will speak on "Tax Credit Program"

Monday April 23rd
Club Meeting - Andrea Huertas, Hospice Director from Central NH V&A (f/k/a Community Health and Hospice) will speak on "National Health Decisions Day"

If you are not on the Kiwanis Bulletin e-mail list (and would like to be) please give Steve Loughlin your e-mail address. Also, if you are reading this bulletin and are not presently on the mailing list (and would like to be), “click” here.

"Click" here to get back to the top of the page.


Kiwanis Kronikle is publication of the Kiwanis Club of Laconia, P.O. Box 757, Laconia, NH 03247-0757.
We meet the second and fourth Monday at 6:15 p.m. at the Pheasant Ridge Country Club, Country Club Road, Gilford
Please call your President or Secretary about any member or family member in case of illness. Email: Roger Landry or Steve Loughlin