May 12, 2014 - Vol. 25, No. 14


News That Concerns Kiwanians and Their Families


Attendance: 16
14 members and 2 guests

Scott Laurent

Song Let By:
Don Nelson

To hear Don Nelson's golden throat, "click" here.

THE VOICE is back.
hoto by W. Stephen Loughlin

Meghan Noyes - guest speaker
Tammy Emery- member of Greater Lakes Child Advocacy Center

Meghan Noyes
Tammy Emery

News From The President:
President Jack reminded the membership that Bike Rodeo & Safety Day is this Saturday, May 17th. He then called on event Chair Meredith Horton for her comments.

Meredith Horton updated the members on the marketing efforts for the event as well as some of those who will be participating at the Bike Rodeo & Family Safety Day, which will be held Saturday, May 17th from 10 until 2:00 pm at Lake Opechee Park parking lot.


Jack noted that the Club will again have its water-tent at the Boardwalk for Bike Week in the middle of next month. Volunteers will be needed. Brian Winslow is chairing this fund-raiser.

In light of the Memorial Day holiday, our next meeting will be Tuesday May 27th.

News From The Members:
Bill Gile reported that this week is “Eat Out for Got Lunch! Laconia Week" whereby a portion of your bill will be donated to Got Lunch! Laconia. He also noted that June 16th is the first day that the program will begin delivering again. Please see John Walker or Bill Gile if you can volunteer to help with deliveries.

Bill Gile reports on Got Lunch! Laconia
hoto by W. Stephen Loughlin

Scott Laurent handled the election of Officers and Directors which included the following nominees:

President: Jack Batchelder
First Vice President: OPEN
Second Vice President: Kevin Irish
Treasurer: Joe Adrignola

Board of Directors:
Bill Gile (one year term)
John Walker (one year term)
Betty Ballantyne (two year term)
Scott Laurent (two year term)
Steve Loughlin (two year term)

The slate of nominees was accepted and subsequently approved by a voice vote.


50 50: None this week

Free meal: Howard Bacon

Winner of Free Meal - Drink not included
hoto by W. Stephen Loughlin

Food Pantry: $26 was collected

Happy Dollars: $6 was collected

$4 from Meredith Horton: $1 to wish all the mothers in the Club a Happy Mothers Day, $1 because she enjoyed doing the recent radio interview on the Bike Rodeo with Steve Loughlin, $2 in celebration of what would have been her parents 35th wedding anniversary.
$2 from Betty Ballantyne: $1 for each of our guests joining us

None this week

Guest Speaker:

Betty Ballantyne introduced our guest speaker, Meghan Noyes.

Meghan has been with the Greater Lakes Child Advocacy Center for eight years. She started with the Center as a forensic interviewer and for the past six years has been the Program Director. In this capacity she has conducted over 1,200 forensic interviews of children who have been victims or suspected victims of child abuse.

Megan began her professional career in law enforcement and continues to remain a part-time police officer with Plymouth State University Police Department. She lives in Laconia with her husband and two children

The Greater Lakes Child Advocacy Center is a program of the Granite State Children’s Alliance, and serves children throughout Belknap County. Its office is located at 65 Water Street in the former location of the Laconia Daily Sun.

The mission of the Granite State Children’s Alliance is to provide all victims of child abuse in New Hampshire a neutral environment where justice, healing, equity and prevention are fostered through the consistent, high quality and sustaining collaboration of community partners.

Megan noted that 1-in-4 girls and 1-in-6 boys in this country will be sexually abused by their 18th birthdays. The Advocacy Center’s Beat the Odds campaign seeks to arm parents and caregivers with the knowledge it takes to make their child's world a safer place.


L to R: Tammy Emery, Scott Laurent, Meghan Noyes
hoto by W. Stephen Loughlin

Tonight's meeting was adjourned at 7:38 p.m.

Meredith Horton and Steve Loughlin were on radio station WEZS to promote the annual Kiwanis Bike Rodeo.
They were interviewed by veteran radio newsman, Allan Harrison. To hear that interview, "click" here.
Note: Audio may take 30 seconds to download.

Allan Harrison discusses Kiwanis Bike Rodeo with Meredith Horton.
hoto by W. Stephen Loughlin

L to R: Meredith Horton, Steve Loughlin and Allan Harrison
hoto by Gary Hammond


Photo Ops:

L To R: Kevin Irish, Pres. Jack Batchelder, Betty Ballantyne, Meredith Horton, Larry Murphy, Treas. Joe Adrignola, Sec. Kathy Calvin, Don Nelson, Roger Webster,
Phil Bonafide, Howard Bacon, Scott Laurent, Steve Loughlin, Bill Gile. Missing from picture: Scott Beane, Jeff Beane, Russ Beane, Dick Breton, Dennis Denoncourt,
Jim Fortier, Steve Gorse, Roger Landry, Mike Marsh, Ed Merski, John Walker, and Brian Winslow

hoto by Megan Noyes and W. Stephen Loughlin


Meet Roger Webster: Korean War hero.
hoto by W. Stephen Loughlin







Saturday - May 17th
Bike Rodeo - Opechee Park

Tuesday- May 27th
Club Meeting - We meet one day after the Memorial Day Holiday

Monday - June 9th
Club Meeting - Guest Speaker - Charlie St. Clair - Topic: Bike Week
Board of Directors Meeting will follow


If you are not on the Kiwanis Bulletin e-mail list (and would like to be) please give Steve Loughlin your e-mail address. Also, if you are reading this bulletin and are not presently on the mailing list (and would like to be), “click” here.

"Click" here to get back to the top of the page.


Kiwanis Kronikle is publication of the Kiwanis Club of Laconia, P.O. Box 757, Laconia, NH 03247-0757.
We meet the second and fourth Monday at 6:15 p.m. at the Pheasant Ridge Country Club, Country Club Road, Gilford
Please call your President or Secretary about any member or family member in case of illness. Email: Jack Batchelder or Steve Loughlin