May 29, 2006 - Vol.17, No. 35

 News That Concerns Kiwanians and Their Families


Roger Landry with colors presented by Howard Bacon

Senior Members
Howard Bacon, Roger Webster, Peter Karagianis, Warren Mitchell, and Ed Merski.

Win A Classic!
This past Saturday, the Motorcycle Road Show was at Gunstock for the Hot Rod Show. Working the show were Roger and Pam Landry and Jim and Arlene Fortier. Chair Paul Cotton reports the show was a success as we took in more than a thousand dollars! Great effort by all involved!

Arlene Fortier looks on while, Paul Cotton shows Jim Fortier new hair growth.
Photo by Dianne Zawacki

Bike Week:
Paul Cotton also circulated the sign up sheets for MC Week, which will run Saturday, June 9th through Sunday, June 18th. Please sign up for as many shifts as you can. All hands on deck for this as we work our way towards the end of another successful Motorcycle Raffle! Shifts for the week are as follows:
Saturday, June 10th
1. Phil Bonafide
2. Larry Murphy
1. _____________________
2. _____________________
Sunday, June 11th
1. Joe Collie
2. Larry Murphy
1. Joe Collie
2. _____________________
1. Kathy Calvin
2. _____________________
Monday, June 12th
1. Roger Landry
2. Pam Landry
1. _____________________
2. _____________________
1. Russ Beane
2. Jeff Stone
Tuesday, June 13th
1. Larry Murphy
2. Dianne Roberts
1. Larry Murphy
2. _____________________
1. Kathy Calvin
2. Don Nelson
Wednesday, June 14th
1. Ed Merski
2. Roger Webster
1. Joe Collie
2. _____________________
1. Kathy Calvin
2. Larry Murphy
3. _____________________
Thursday, June 15th
1. Larry Murphy
2. Ed Merski
1. Larry Murphy
2. _____________________
1. Don Nelson
2. Sue Nelson
3. _____________________
Friday, June 16th
1. Howard Bacon
2. Ed Merski
1. Larry Murphy
2. _____________________
3. _____________________
1. Don Nelson
2. Sue Nelson
3. _____________________
Saturday, June 17th
1. Phil Bonafide
2. _____________________
3. _____________________
1. Don Nelson
2. Sue Nelson
3. _____________________
1. Don Nelson
2. Sue Nelson
3. _____________________
Sunday, June 18th
1. Phil Bonafide
2. Kathy Calvin
3. _____________________
11am-3:15pm (10 needed)
1. Joe Collie
2. Don Nelson
3. Sue Nelson
4. Steve Loughlin
5. Dianne Roberts
6. Phil Bonafide
7. Jackie Bonafide
8. Jim Fortier
9. Arlene Fortier
10. ____________________

Bike Week Advertising
The Chamber office contacted President Joe Collie this past week and requested a club logo and a 6 word tagline. The Chamber will be featuring non-profits and their efforts duding Bike Week on an electronic sign that will rotate messages throughout Bike Week. Our promotion will include the Kiwanis logo and “Laconia Kiwanis Harley Raffle on the Boardwalk.” While that is clearly seven words, President Joe got the OK from the Chamber since “on” and “the” are such short words. Charlie St. Clair informs the club that the sign will be located at Thurston’s Marina.

As a token of thanks to the NH Veteran’s Association for letting us continue to park at their place Bike Week, both our trailer and in some instances club member vehicles, we have donated $250 to their restoration fund. Steve Loughlin reports the check went out last week.

Reading is FUNdamental
Sec’y Kathy Calvin reminds the club that RIF will be on the road twice next week. Tuesday, June 6, 2006 at Pleasant Street School from 2pm-3pm. Readers include Don Nelson, Joe Adrignola, Roger Webster, and Warren Mitchell. The theme is Aloha! And you’re encouraged to dress Hawaiian. Good opportunity to get “layed” Also…RIF will be out Wednesday, June 7th at Woodland Heights Elementary School from 9:30-11pm and readers scheduled that day include Joe Adrignola, Don Nelson, Warren Mitchell, and Larry Murphy.

Not only are we taking nominations for President in 2006-2007, but now we are also looking for a treasurer. John Stow pledges to finish this Kiwanis year, which ends on September 30, but has requested he not be treasurer next year. If anyone is interested in helping to fill the post, please see President Joe Collie or Sec’y Kathy Calvin ASAP and we’ll get the ball rolling for a smooth transition. And by the way…we ARE still looking for a President in 2006-2007.

Paul Cotton won $19.

Paul Cotton holds up his winnings while Roger Landry grabs a few crumbs.
Photo by W.S. Loughlin

Happy Dollars
Paul Cotton gave 2 dollars for winning the other 17 and Kathy Calvin gave a buck because she’ll be taking a group of 20 kids to Montreal this week. That’s a group of 20 Spanish speaking kids to a French speaking province. Remember that Bill Murray movie a few years ago…”Lost in Translation?”

Hey Kiwanis...THANKS!
We received a thank you note from the Faith, Hope, and Love Foundation. Co-Presidents Laura Brusseau and Jessica Dutile were grateful to have the opportunity to speak to our club about their organization.

Charlie St. Clair was late and John Stow was pinless; hence a half a buck was collected.

Hope he's OK...
Warren Mitchell informs the club that Roger Ballentyne has fallen ill as of late. Drop him a line or a card. As far as Warren knows, Roger is at home. We all hope “Spaceshot” is back on his feet again real soon.

Thanks! And we're not clowning around...
We received a thank you note from Simplicity The Clown thanking us for the opportunity to entertain the kids at the recent Bike Rodeo.

We're Invited...
The club received an invitation to the Teen Center’s Appreciation luncheon, Tuesday June 20th at 1pm at the Teen Center. Anyone interested in attending, please see President Joe Collie or Dianne Zawacki.
Dianne Zawacki sends the following picture from the Laconia Nationals Car Show held last Friday at Weirs Beach.

The Key Club helped out the Teen Center at the Laconia Nationals Cookout. From L to R:  Somket Sayasone,  Kisun McLean , Kayne Kreitzer, and  Ashlee Goyette. 
Photo by Dianne Zawacki

We have a foursome in the upcoming Community Health and Hospice Golf Tournament…June 5, 2006 at Waukewan Golf Club in Meredith. Chet Cilley and Jeff Stone will represent the club and will be paired up with another twosome. Go team!

Monday, July 17th

Monday, July 10th
Boards meet, NISE

Monday, July 3rd
No meeting this week

Monday, June 26th
Motorcycle Raffle Wrap Up with Paul Cotton

Monday, June 19th

Monday, June 12th
Motorcycle Week!  See you on the boardwalk....

Monday, June 5th
Boards meet, NISE

Joe Collie

Kiwanis Kronikle is a weekly publication of the Kiwanis Club of Laconia, N.H., P.O. Box 757, Laconia, N.H. 03247-0757. We meet Mondays at 6:15 p.m. at the Pheasant Ridge Country Club, Country Club Rd., Gilford, N.H. Please call your President or Secretary about any Member or family member in case of illness. Email: Joe Collie or Steve Loughlin

Back Issues - Membership - Bylaws - Club Brochure - Raffle Schedule



In Memory of Max Chertok, Charter Member - Normandin, Cheney, & O'Neil - Byse Agency - Baron's Major Brands - Wilkinson-Beane Funeral Home - Decorative Interiors - Laconia Savings Bank - Meredith Village Savings Bank - Martin, Lord & Osman, P.A. - Hart's Turkey Farm Restaurant - Quik Laundry & Cleaners - Stafford Oil Company, Inc. - The Home Beautiful - Cantin Chevrolet/Cadillac