June 28, 2010 - Vol.21, No. 39
News That Concerns Kiwanians and Their Families
In Charge:
First VP Mike Marsh presided in Brian's absence..
Puppy Dog Eyes
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin
Joe Adrignola.
Senior Members rule.
Photo by W. Stephen LoughlinGuest:
Honorary Member Dick Breton
..........Dick Breton
Photo by W. Stephen LoughlinSenior Members:
Howard Bacon, Roger Webster, Dennis Denoncourt, Jim Fortier, and Ed Merski
Bike Week Update:
Mike Marsh gave final report on the scooter raffle noting the club netted $3,539.89. In light of the fact that we only marketed the scooter at Bike Week and at two road shows, the net result was deemed a success.Special thanks were given to the members who purchased tickets and to Dick Breton for allowing us to sell tickets in his place of business.
New By-Laws and Other Proposed Change:
Mike opened the floor to questions regarding proposed changes to the Bylaws. Mike noted that, with the decline in membership, in order to make the club more attractive to new members, changes have become necessary and the rules need to be more “inviting.”Some highpoints of the proposed changes to the Policies and Procedures include the following:
• Rather than weekly, the club will meet twice a month: the second and fourth Monday.
• Members will not be required to pay for meals when they miss a meeting.
• Members will be required to attend just twelve meetings a year.Additional ideas include getting high profile guest speakers to attract guests and prospective new members. Solicitations for a donation will no longer be made to the general membership but, rather, to the Board of Directors at their monthly meeting. To read the complete text of proposed Policies and Procedures, "click" here.
First VP Mike Marsh discusses the proposed Policies and Procedures.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin