News That Concerns Kiwanians
and Their Families |
Brian Winslow
of Laconia Fire Chief Ken Erickson
Ken Erickson |
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin |
Special Guest of Roger Webster:
Roger shows
off his guest of the evening. To see his guest, "click" here.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin
from the Prez:
Mike reminds the club that Rogers Ride for a Cure is this weekend and
the costs are $25/motorcycle.
In view of the pending
hurricane (Hurricane Irene), the ride is now scheduled for Saturday, August
27th. The event will
now begin at the Irwin Zone on Union Ave.
Registration at 9:00am, Ride
Starts at 10:00am. For more information, "click" here.
Mike also spoke highly of the meeting on September 8th at the Laconia Water Works.
News from
the future Prez:
President Elect
Roger Landry alerted the club to a fundraising opportunity coming up in April...more
info to come.
News from
a past Prez:
Chet Cilley asked members of the club to help with "make
Strides for Breast Cancer" taking place this year on October 2nd and made
brochures and posters available.
50 50:
Jack Batchelder won $23
Jack's a winner!
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin
Happy Dollars:
$5 from Jack Batchelder
for several reasons: for winning the 50/50, because he is back from Umpiring
in CT, and because Steve Loughlin did such a great job as announcer for the
Home Run Derby held the prior day at Opechee Park.
$1 from Brian Winslow because he saw the picture of Lori Dickson’s niece on
the cover of the 2012 New England Patriots Cheerleading Calendar!
$1 from Warren Mitchell because he saw the calendar too.
Guest Speaker:
Steve Loughlin introduced tonight’s guest Ken Erickson,
Chief of the Laconia Fire Department. Steve mentioned that Ken last spoke
to the club in May 2004.
Chief Erickson has been a firefighter for 32 years, 10 years as Chief of the Laconia Fire Department. The LFD receives 7,172 calls annually...3,303 are emergency, 5,197 require apparatus responses. The LFD is the 9th busiest fire department in NH and averages 199 calls for every 1,000 residents.
What makes Laconia unique?
* The terrain, specifically the lakes an mountains make response and fire suppression
a challenge
* Bike Week
* 48% Residents live in multi family homes
* 18% live in seasonal homes
* Numerous multi floor buildings
* 50% are older homes
* Demographics (fluctuations in population)
* 10,000 new residential homes in Laconia
* US Census says that Laconia only has a population of 16,000.
Below are some of the pictures shown
during the presentation. |
Apartment house at corner of
Baldwin Street and Union Ave (2011) |
Suspected meth lab in vehicle
in downtown Laconia (2011) |
Wide Open Saloon (f/k/a/ The
Smokehouse) in the Weirs (2010) |
Lakes Region Linen (2008) |
Crossroads (f/k/a Karl's
Restaurant) at Weirs Beach |
Herbert barn Hoyt Road, Gilford
(2010) |
Prior to concluding his presentation, Ken had some nice comments about Leo Sasseville, past Laconia Kiwanis Club President (1978-79) . (Editors note: Leo Sasseville served with the Laconia Fire Department for about 20 years. At the time of his retirement in the mid 1970’s he had attained the rank of deputy chief.)
Erickson reported that Leo “had in impact on Laconia Fire (department) that was pretty impressive.” Together with Norm Colburn and Phil Howland, Leo put together a training document of manually typed pages along with documents from other books, "which became a probationary fire fighters’ training book when the Laconia Fire Department hired you." Chief Erickson noted, “What’s amazing about this is…”we took sections of this book on hydraulics and pumps and what he wrote… is just as good today as when he wrote it.” Leo “had quite an impact on the Laconia Fire Department.” He called Leo’s effort on putting the book together “a labor of love.”
Chief Erickson displays the training
manual put together by Leo Sasseville,
former president of the Laconia Kiwanis Club (1978-79).
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin
For more information on the Laconia Fire Department, including photos, check out their website by “clicking” here.
Steve Loughlin thanks Chief Erickson
for a fine presentation.
Photo by Brian Winslow
Tonight's meeting was adjourned at 8:03 pm.
September 6th
Board of Directors Meeting - 5:30 pm at Joe's Place (One Mill Plaza)
All members are welcome to attend. NO DINNER WILL BE SERVED!
September 12th
Club Meeting - guest speaker - Randy Eifert - "Save Grass and Playgrounds"
September 26th
Club Meeting - Scott Hodson with Mike Marsh - Gilford Youth Center
October 11th (Monday is Columbus Day)
Club Meeting - guest speaker - TBA
October 24th
Club Meeting - Annual installation of new officers and directors - Beane
Conference Center, Blueberry Lane, Laconia
"Click" here to get back to the top of the page.
Kiwanis Kronikle is publication of
the Kiwanis Club of Laconia, P.O. Box 757, Laconia, NH 03247-0757.
We meet the second and fourth Monday at 6:15 p.m. at the Pheasant Ridge Country
Club, Country Club Road, Gilford
Please call your President or Secretary about any member or family member in
case of illness. Email: Joe Collie or Steve Loughlin