August 31, 2009 - Vol.20, No. 48

News That Concerns Kiwanians and Their Families





Mike Marsh

Senior Members:

Howard Bacon, Paul Normandin, Peter Karagianis, Jim Fortier, Dennis Denoncourt, and Roger Webster

Dan Feehily, guest of Dick Metz

Dan Feehily: Will he become a Kiwanis member someday?

A very serious moment:

Bacon and Beef: A good combination.

Kiwanis Hoopsters...

Pres. Brian displays the plaque of the basketball team sponsored by the Kiwanis Club.



Mark your calendar...Next Monday is Labor Day. So, there will be NO MEETING on Monday night. However, we WILL MEET next Tuesday, September 8th.



What makes the Laconia Kiwanis Club special?...
President Brian continued the discussion on membership recruitment by focusing on the qualities of the Club that makes it desirable to join Kiwanis.

Next week we will review techniques to use and questions to ask when soliciting a new member. Also be sure to bring names of individuals you want to recommend for membership.

Pres. Brian discusses reasons for joining Kiwanis.


50 50:
$15.00 went to Joe Adrignola and Jim Fortier.

Dennis Denoncourt is thrilled over Joe's luck.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin


Happy Dollars:

$1 from Joe and Jim for winning the 50 50.
$1 from Dick Metz because Sergeant-at-Arms, Roger Landry, was back.
$1 from Roger Webster because, as he noted, "just about everybody knew the words to "Oh Beautiful." (Unfortunately Roger did not know the song is called "America the Beautiful").
$2 from Larry Murphy. The first is because, he too is happy that Roger Landry is back. The second because he dropped his grandson off at college and, as of tonight, he's still there.
$1 from Pres. Brian who wished to thank Dick Metz for taking his family to a Fisher Cats ball game.


There were no fines tonight.


Publication of next week's edition of the Kiwanis Kronicle will be delayed by about one week as your co-editor will be without a computer during the week of September 6th. We are hopeful that publication of our September 8th meeting will be posted by September 14th. Thanks for your patience.



Tonight's meeting adjourned at 7:15 pm.


Hanging on for dear life!


Dan Feehily buckles up as Dick Metz gets ready to blast off in the UFOmobile.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin


Roger's Ride for a Cure:

The participants assemble prior to the start of the ride.
Photo by Matt Roy

Last Sunday 87 people participated in the motorcycle ride in memory of Roger Ballantyne to raise monies towards a cure for Kidney Cancer. Kiwanians who participated in the ride included: Paul Cotton, Warren Mitchell, Roger and Pam Landry, Dick Breton and Mark Liebl.

Betty Ballantyne's initial goal was to raise $2,500. However, the event raised $3,800. Betty was very pleased with everyone who participated and noted the event went off perfectly. She noted that Roger did so much for others, including his participation in Kiwanis, and she would like to see that positive spirit continue.

Betty Ballantyne (red bike) is followed by Dick Breton as the riders take off from Irwin Motors.
Photo by Matt Roy


Joe Collie...from radio to TV:

Joe Collie made an appearance on WMUR TV on Wednesday afternoon (Sept 2nd). To hear his report, "click" here and wait about 60 seconds for the video to begin.


Roger Landry gives back to the community:

Warren Mitchell and Carroll Stafford are recognized for their service:

Upcoming Schedule

TUESDAY, September 8th
Boards Meet and Food Pantry money collected
Please bring a list of the names of prospective new members for Board approval.

Monday, September 14th
New membership roundup

Monday, September 21st

Monday, September 28th

Monday, October 5th
Installation of new officers and directors

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Joe Collie

Kiwanis Kronikle is a weekly publication of the Kiwanis Club of Laconia, N.H., P.O. Box 757, Laconia, N.H. 03247-0757. We meet Mondays at 6:15 p.m. at the Pheasant Ridge Country Club, Country Club Rd., Gilford, N.H. Please call your President or Secretary about any Member or family member in case of illness. Email: Joe Collie or Steve Loughlin




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