September 9, 2013- Vol. 24, No. 22


News That Concerns Kiwanians and Their Families


Attendance: 22

Invocation: Kevin Irish

Monika Pesa, Rebecca Sirois and Alana Persson – Key Club Members
Bonnie Ashworth and Chris Ulrich – Key Club Advisors
Rod Dyer and Allison Ambrose – guest speakers

Monika Pesa
Rebecca Sirois
Alana Persson
Bonnie Ashworth
Chris Ulrich
Rod Dyer
Allison Ambrose


News From The President:
President Scott introduced the five Key Club guests as well as our two guest speakers. He then announced:
• The Annual Meeting and Installation will be held at Pheasant Ridge on Monday, October 7.
• Joe Adrignola will email the final numbers from Roger’s Ride to the membership this week. To date, there have been 933 visits to the facebook page regarding the ride and excellent press coverage.

Scott then kicked off a club-wide discussion which included input from Key Club members and Advisors regarding the current issue with the School Board Chair regarding the concession stand at LHS football games. Scott wants everyone to be clear, the issue is not with Laconia Youth Football, but with the process that resulted in a decision that ended a 60+ year tradition.

We would like to see a usage policy established and are still waiting for some kind of letter from the Superintendent or School Board. If approached by anyone asking for comment, Scott encourages the answer to be just that; our issue is with the School Board and no one else. The Key Club students are OK with the current schedule of their having the concession stand for this year and, if asked, have been told to respond by saying they have no position, it is an issue being discussed above the student level. The Key Club Advisors have been directed by the Administration not to discuss it, although they feel support from both administration and fellow teachers.
For more details, scroll down to IN THE NEWS.


News From The Members:
Steve Loughlin read thank you letters from Amy Cass and Abby Teichert for the Kiwanis scholarships they received through the Lakes Region Scholarship Fund.

To read Amy’s thank you letter, “click” here.
To read Abby’s thank you letter, “click” here

Of Interest: The stationary used by Abby Teichert was a custom card which included a picture taken by Jackie Bonafide. Jackie is the wife of long time Kiwanian, Phil Bonafide.

Charlie St. Clair announced he is resigning from the club due to his schedule, but would love to visit as a guest upon invite from time to time.

Charlie St. Clair says farewell.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

Kathy Calvin reported:
• A Kiwanis KARES event at Elm Street School in October. The exact date and time will be announced.
• Members are invited to attend the Central New Hampshire
Visiting Nurses and Hospice (CNHVNAH) Annual Meeting on September 24th in Moultonborough
• The annual Lakes Region Scholarship Foundation spelling Bee is October 17th, and the Key Club is asking for sponsorship to compete ($250).
She saw an article in the paper of Laconia Elks having a bike rodeo and giving away 22 bikes. She suggested we contact them to partner for next year’s bike rodeo.

50 50:
$27 went to Jim Fortier and Joe Adrignola.

The Dynamic Duo make it two wins in a row.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

Free Meal:
Scott Laurent

Happy Dollars:

$1 from Joe Adrignola for winning this week’s 50-50 and $1 for winning it last meeting too.
$1 from Jim Fortier for being a co-winner this evening
$1 from Ed Merski for his free meal tonight
$1 from Bonnie Ashworth for finally getting her new chemistry lab after 23 years of teaching and $1 for being a Key Club advisor again this year with Chris Ulrich
$1 from Chris Ulrich for having Bonnie Ashworth as a co-advisor again this year and $1 for the tremendous Kiwanis Club support he feels they are getting
$1 from Jack Batchelder for his pro shop now being open for business, and $1 for having three Key Club members at his table
$1 from Betty Ballantyne in announcing Irwin Motors is having a Drive 1 For Your School event September 26, where Irwin will donate $20 per test drive up to a maximum of $6,000, to Laconia High School in support of the hockey program. It will run from 3-7 PM and will be in conjunction with an open house at the school and Homecoming preparations.

Guest Speakers:
Steve Loughlin introduced guest speakers Allison Ambrose and Rod Dyer of the Laconia law firm Wescott, Dyer, Fitzgerald & Nichols, P.A.

Allison Ambrose is an associate attorney who focuses her practice on civil litigation and criminal defense work. Prior to practicing law, Allison worked as and international business liaison for State Street Global Advisors in Boston, MA. Allison is a member of both the Belknap County and New Hampshire’s Circle Program.

Rod Dyer is a partner in the law firm and represents clients with commercial and residential developments. Rod is a former City Attorney and two-term Mayor of the City of Laconia. He was Chairman of the Board of Bank of New Hampshire from 2005-2011 and now serves as its first Chairman Emeritus. During the introduction, Steve Loughlin noted that Rod Dyer is a past president of the Laconia Kiwanis Club serving during the term 1970-71. He the circulated a picture of Rod Dyer as he appeared during installation night in 1970. To view that picture, scroll down to REMEMBER WHEN.

Rod and Allison presented a program titled Civics in Action, a program supported by the NH Bar Association. The program is a counter to the national emphasis on math and science and the concern that civics is being overlooked.
Rod reported that 56% of the country can identify an American Idol host but only 43% knew the purpose of the Electoral College. This program hopes to spark dialogue within our communities and this year is targeting all Kiwanis Clubs.
Following a brief presentation giving some background to the Constitution and Bill of Rights, Rod and Allison noted to become a US citizen, one has to apply to the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) and, from a battery of 130 potential questions, answer 6 of 10 randomly selected questions. Following a period of playful questioning, it was determined that half of our club could be deported.

For more information on Civics in Action, “click” here.

President Scott congratulates Allison Ambrose and Rod Dyer for their enjoyable presentation.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin


Tonight's meeting was adjourned at 7:48 p.m.

Charlie canned himself tonight.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

In recent days, the Laconia Kiwanis Club made the news several times for their support of the Laconia High School Key Club. To read those stories, “click” here.

Below is the picture of Kiwanis Officers from 1970 that was circulated at tonight's meeting.

Rod Dyer is seated second from the right. Lifetime Kiwanian, Dick Breton is seated at right.
Photo from Laconia Evening Citizen

To read the article as it appeared in the Laconia Evening Citizen on October 5, 1970, "click" here.




Monday - September 23rd
Club Meeting - OPEN

Monday - October 7th
Club Meeting - Annual Installation of new officers and directors - Pheasant Ridge Country Club

Monday - October 21st
Board of Directors Meeting 5:30 p.m. at One Mill Plaza - all members are invited
This is
not a regular meeting. There will be no dinner served

Monday - October 28th
Club Meeting - OPEN

If you are not on the Kiwanis Bulletin e-mail list (and would like to be) please give Steve Loughlin your e-mail address. Also, if you are reading this bulletin and are not presently on the mailing list (and would like to be), “click” here.

"Click" here to get back to the top of the page.


Kiwanis Kronikle is publication of the Kiwanis Club of Laconia, P.O. Box 757, Laconia, NH 03247-0757.
We meet the second and fourth Monday at 6:15 p.m. at the Pheasant Ridge Country Club, Country Club Road, Gilford
Please call your President or Secretary about any member or family member in case of illness. Email: Roger Landry or Steve Loughlin