September 13, 2022 - Vol. 33, No.11



News That Concerns Kiwanians and Their Families


Date of Meeting: September 13, 2022

Venue: The Belknap Mill

Attendance: 11 in attendance: 8 members and 3 guests


Kiwanis Members:
Betty Ballantyne
Ray Chambers
Zach Dea
Bill Gile
Steve Loughlin
Don Nelson
Bob Willey
Brian Winslow

Roger Dargy - guest of Betty Ballantyne
Sue Nelson – Honorary Member and wife of Don
Jason Dutile – guest speaker

Roger Dargy
Sue Nelson
Jason Dutile
Above photos by W. Stephen Loughlin          

Invocation & Pledge:
Invocation: performed by Brian Winslow
Pledge of allegiance: led by Bill Gile


The Pledge: Why are some facing in different directions?
ANSWER: "Click" here.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin



President Bill reported the following:
• Next month’s Board of Directors meeting will be held via ZOOM on Tuesday, October 4, 2022, at 6 pm.
• The next General Meeting will be held at the Belknap Mill. Date to be announced. Officers and Directors will be installed at that time.

President: Bill Gile
Vice President/President-Elect: Betty Ballantyne
Treasurer: Open – Alternative roles are being configured
Board of Directors: Phil Bonafide, Zach Dae, Steve Loughlin, Meredith Michaud, and Tara Shore.

Brian Winslow has stepped down from the Board. However, he has accepted the assignment to review the by-laws along with any necessary updates.

All members present voted in favor of the slate of officers and directors as proposed. They will be officially installed at the October meeting.

We recently received thank you messages from The Belknap Mill and from the Hooksett Police Department. To read those thank-you messages, click on the respective names below:

The Belknap Mill
The Hooksett Police Department



Betty Ballantyne reported Elm Street, Pleasant Street School and Woodland Heights School have received the books for the 2022/2023 school year. Toni at Elm Street has set the three dates for KARES being October 18, December 13, and February 14. All will be held at 10:15 a.m.




REMINDER. The bills for annual membership have been sent out and are due for October 15, 2022.


Food Pantry: $35 was collected

Happy Dollars: $35 was collected

$2 from Don Nelson for not having to sing tonight.
$5 from Steve Loughlin: $2 because Betty has agreed to be Vice President, $1 because Zach has agreed to be a director, $1 because Tara Shore has agreed to be a director, and $1 to see the big smile of Jason Dutile.
$2 from Ray Chambers because for he and Paula having survived Covid.
$5 from Brian Winslow: $1 because his son, Brian III, is doing well in school; $1 because he just got his flu shot; $1 because he just got his COVID Bivalent 4; $1 because Iowa State beat Iowa in Football; and $1 because Steve Loughlin is awesome (Brians words, not mine - Editor).
$4 from Bob Willey for his travels to four different states in the last two weeks: Old Orchard Beach, ME; 2-3 nights in NY; went to PA to visit his in-laws; and a Yankee Stadium visit.
$2 from Zach Dae for attending the Bachelors of Broadway concert at the Laconia Colonial Theater with his son.
$2 from Roger Dargy who was pleased to see everyone together and for the service the Laconia Kiwanis does for Laconia.
$5 from Bill Gile; $1 for Jason Dutile presenting; $2 as a thank you to Zach & Tara agreeing to be members of the Board of Directors, $1 for Betty for stepping up to be VP; and $1 because he will soon be heading south.
$5 from our guest, Jason Dutile, for 5 familiar faces, for the invite, and personal growth in his life.
$3 from Betty Ballantyne: $1 for Jason Dutile doing the presentation, $1 for Roger Dargy being present and $1 for WHATEVER!



Zach Dea introduced our guest speaker, Jason Dutile, the President of the Laconia Soccer League

After graduating from Laconia High School in 1997, Jason attended Lakes Region Community College and the University of New Hampshire. He has worked several years at the family business, Dutile Oil, as well as Stafford Oil. For the past five years, he has been a Plant Supervisor at All Metals Industries, Inc. He is married with two children. Jason has served two years as President of the Laconia Youth Soccer League. He has also served as Treasurer of the Laconia Little League, Treasurer of NH Nor’Easter Softball Club, and Coach for the Lou Athanas Basketball Youth League.


Jason Dutile addresses the group.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

Facts about the Laconia Youth Soccer League:
• Average 400 to 500 youths aged 4 years to 14 years old mostly from Laconia, though some are from Gilford, Meredith, and Belmont because those communities do not have enough children participating to form a league. Approximately 80 to 100 children attend from the surrounding area. The league has existed approximate 30 years.
• Jason Dutile became President of the League two years ago. At that time the league had a budget of $6,000 which barely covered the uniforms and lights. Under Jason’s leadership the league is supported with a budget of $40,000. They created a calendar as a fund-raising event. Many businesses donated winnings along with a supportive board, parents, grandparents and more. They raised $10,000 with the calendars. Early on they gave cash prizes for the winnings, now they are supported with many businesses in the community.
• The League supports 30 teams with 60 coaches.
• The League gives to families in need. Approximately 10 families benefit with assistance with their fees to play. The League cost is $45 for one child and $75 for two and more for the same families and the city charges $10 to support field usage and support. They have supported Max Gagnon, a youth who plays soccer in this league. His cancer has come back. The team shirts are now “Max Strong.”
• The League’s big need is the referees. They train each one and pay them $20, and $30 for those who are badged. They gain referees through social media, word of mouth and emailing to parents of the players.
• Their season is in the Fall beginning August 1 and generally ending in mid-October.
• Their Board consists of 12 members who volunteer. They have an IT and registration person.
• They had an end of year survey for suggestions for improvement. The large take is stacked teams. Now the teams are chosen electronically than balanced based on their knowledge of the players.
• Robbie Mills lights expense for two weeks are $4,000 to $5,000 mostly lighting from half time to end of game. They donated a score board to Robbie Mills. It costs $8,000. They also donated the soccer nets needed at LHS because the nets were not covered in the school budget.
• Team photos are quite a process and expensive though quite successful.

Jason noted the beliefs of The Laconia Youth Soccer League. It’s all about the children. He stated this league is something quite special at multiple levels.

In addition to his informative presentation, Jason graced the group with his warm, genuine, and heartful smile. Below are just a few of those smile moments.

Above photos by W. Stephen Loughlin

For more information on the Laconia Youth Soccer League, check out their Facebook Page by “clicking” here.

Upon the conclusion of the presentation, Zach Dea enjoyed a photo op with guest speaker, Jason Dutile.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin


President Bill adjourned the meeting at 7:10 pm.

President Bill's final words of the evening.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin



We are proud to announce the 3rd annual Laconia Kiwanis $1,000 Home Heating Fuel Raffle. See details below:

To purchase tickets and for more information on the Laconia Kiwanis $1,000 Home Heating Fuel Raffle, "click" here.



Betty Ballantyne recently took a few days of R&R with her brother-in-law and sister-in-law at the Ridin-Hy Dude Ranch in Warrensburg, New York.
Below are a few pictures that she provided.

Dig that Dude-ette!
Hoop Horse-ing around.
Photos submitted by Betty Ballantyne



Many thanks to Joe Adrignola, Betty Ballantyne, Zach Dea, and Brian Winslow for their assistance with this bulletin.





Tuesday - October 4th - Venue: ZOOM MEETING
6:00 pm - Board of Directors Meeting

October Meeting - Date To Be Announced- Venue: - Belknap Mill
6:00 pm - General Meeting - Installation of new Officers and Directors

If you are reading this bulletin and are not presently on the mailing list (and would like to be), please give Steve Loughlin your e-mail address by “clicking ” here.

"Click" here to get back to the top of the page.













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