September 21, 2009 - Vol.20, No. 51
News That Concerns Kiwanians and Their Families
Ed Merski
Senior Members:
Dennis Denoncourt, Jim Fortier, Ed Merski, and Peter Karagianis
President Brian welcomed four prospective members to the meeting:
Steve Gorse manages Home Energy Products located on Route 3 in Belmont (adjacent to Taylor Rental). Steve was a guest speaker at our May 11, 2009 meeting. Check out pictures of Steve in our May 11, 2009 bulletin by"clicking" here.
Dan Feehily is no stranger to the Kiwanis Club. In addition to being a frequent guest at our meetings, Dan contributed many hours to the Laconia Kiwanis Club by assisting us with the sale of raffle tickets during Bike Week this past summer. Check out pictures of Dan in our June 22, 2009 bulletin by "clicking" here.
Jim Carroll is the Belknap County Attorney. Jim has been assisting youth for decades and was responsible for the founding of P.A.C.T. (Parents and Children Together), a non-profit child and youth services organization. Jim was a guest speaker at our November 17, 2008 meeting. Check out pictures of Jim in our November 17, 2008 bulletin by "clicking" here.
Eric Johnson is the principal of Elm Street School. Eric was a guest speaker at our Feb. 25, 2008 meeting. Check out pictures of Eric in our Feb. 25, 2008 bulletin by "clicking" here.
Steve Gorse Dan Feehily Jim Carroll Eric Johnson
We were pleasantly surprised by an inter-club visit by members of the Berlin Kiwanis Club. Guests included: Club President, Clayton Greenwood, Blandine Shallow, Henry Bouchere and Bob Labnon.
Clayton Greenwood Blandine Shallow Henry Bouchere Bob Labnon
Chow Time...
Food always brings a smile to Jim Carroll's face.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin
President Brian reminded the club of the following:
-Installation Night is Monday October 5th. The cost of the meal is $28.00.-New England District Gov-designate David Koohy will be visiting District 6 on October 3rd, at the Strafford Farms Restaurant in Dover. Let Brian know if you are interested in attending.
-the Kiwanis Club of Mt. Washington Valley invites you to the Kiwanis Autumn Express on October 18th. For details "click" here.
Clayton Greenwood, President of the Berlin Kiwanis Club invited the Laconia Kiwanis Club to their installation night which will be at the Mountain View Grand Hotel in Whitefield on Sunday, October 4th. If you are interested please give them a call.
Return of the Gavel:
Jim Fortier returned the Berlin Club's gavel which the Laconia Club had "inadvertently" appropriated about a year ago.
Clayton Greenwood takes a practice swing with his "new" gavel.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin
Cash for Kids...
First VP Mike Marsh presented Margaret Frankhauser, Executive Director of Community Health and Hospice, with a $4,000 check. The donation will be used to support the Young Family Programs. For details about this service, "click" here.Mike's presentation brought a big smile to the face of CH&H Executive Director Margaret Frankhauser.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin
50 50:
Mike Marsh won $28.00Mike Marsh.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin
Happy Dollars:
$2 from Mike Marsh. $1 for winning and $1 for the (pending) installation of Dick Metz as President of the Club.
$1 Ed Merski for " having the privilege for sitting across the table from Peter "AJ" Karagianis.
$4 from Steve Loughlin in celebration of the four local guests (and potential members): Steve Gorse, Eric Johnson, Dan Feehily and Jimmy Carroll.
$2 from Don Nelson for the Berlin Club finally coming down and getting their gavel.
None because no one was present to collect it.
Guest Speaker:
President Brian introduced Margaret Frankhauser, Executive Director of Community Health and Hospice who spoke on H1N1 (a/k/a swine flu) virus. Besides being a nurse practitioner and a nurse by background, Margaret sits on the state's communicable disease advisory committee and, at one time, ran that office for the state of New Hampshire.Margaret noted that H1N1 virus is already here in this community and some residents may already have it. In the state of NH this summer, 12 summer camps reported having it and one of those camps closed down and sent campers home.
The symptoms of H1N1 are not dramatically different from seasonal influenza. What's different about H1N1 is that it is a novel virus as it's the first time that it's landed in the human population. What that means is; the first time we encounter it, we have no immunity. Therefore, particularly if you're young, you're going to have a severe reaction to the virus.
H1N1 is different from seasonal influenza with respect to who "gets sick" and "who gets really sick from it." Margaret noted that people who get sick from seasonal influenza tend to be the elderly. However H1N1 seems to effect an exclusively different group. The #1 dangers group effected by H1N1 is pregnant women. The second group at high risk are young children (six months to about age 12). Accordingly, when the vaccine first becomes available there will be targeted groups eligible for it.
Prior to concluding her presentation, Margaret opened the floor to questions to which many participated. Anyone interested in hearing the full presentation, including the questions and answers related to H1N1, may request an audio CD by "clicking" here. Requests received by Saturday, September 26th, will be available to be picked up at the next Kiwanis meeting.MAna
Pres Brian Winslow and Executive Director Margaret Frankhauser
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin
Tonight's meeting was adjourned at 7:28 p.m. RThe
Trash or Treasure?...
Charlie St. Clair filled his arms and pocket with "loot."
Meet the Recycle King: Charlie St. Clair
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin
Upcoming Schedule
Monday, September 28th
OPENMonday, October 5th
Annual installation of new officers and directorsTUESDAY, October 13th
Boards Meet and Food Pantry money collectedMonday, October 19th
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Joe Collie
Kiwanis Kronikle is a weekly publication of the Kiwanis Club of Laconia, N.H., P.O. Box 757, Laconia, N.H. 03247-0757. We meet Mondays at 6:15 p.m. at the Pheasant Ridge Country Club, Country Club Rd., Gilford, N.H. Please call your President or Secretary about any Member or family member in case of illness. Email: Joe Collie or Steve LoughlinCLICK LINKS BELOW TO VISIT OUR FINE PATRONS
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