September 25, 2006 - Vol.17, No. 52

 News That Concerns Kiwanians and Their Families

16...Where was everybody?

Warren Mitchell

er Landry
Senior Members
Warren Mitchell
Ed Merski

Win a Classic!
A sign up sheet was circulated to sell tickets at the Sandwich Fair, which is coming up on Columbus Day Weekend. Paul Cotton reports that the list must be finalized by next week’s meeting so he can send along our entrance fee and get name badges for the worked, otherwise we ill have to pay $10 each. The work schedule for the fair is as follows:

Friday 10/6/06
8am setup: Paul Cotton and Warren Mitchell

Saturday 10/7/06
8am-1pm Paul Cotton and _____________________
1pm -6pm Kathy Calvin and Dianne Zawacki

Sunday 10/8/06
8am-1pm Phil Bonafide and Larry Murphy
1pm-6pm Kathy Calvin and Larry Murphy

Monday 10/9/06
8am-1pm Kathy Calvin and Joe Collie (at 11am)
1pm-5pm Joe Collie and Dianne Zawacki

This could yield some great revenue for the club and this may be the only time we have the opportunity to be at the fair. Paul and Warren will be out of town starting on Sunday. Dick Breton will be trailering the bike home Monday. Thanks in advance for stepping up and helping out.


Installation 2007

The Installation is scheduled for the "big room" at Pheasant Ridge on Monday, October 2nd. On the menu: Chicken Supreme, Seafood Newburg, Red Bliss Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans with pumpkin pie or apple pie for dessert. Appetizers to include a fruit tray and shrimp cocktail, also salad and rolls and butter will be served. Prices for members and guests will be $20.00 each, as it was last year. Also, there will be a cash bar. Past Lt. Gov. Chet Cilley will handle the installing of officers and directors. Dr. Ricciardello will be recognized, and checks will be distributed to the Day Care Center, the Library, and LRGH for their half of the Tilly fund raiser. WLNH morning man Dominic Biello will be the emcee. A sign up sheet was circulated. We hope to see you there!

Reading is FUNdamental!

Kathy Calvin alerted the club that the next RIF session will be Tuesday, September 26th at Pleasant Street School. Warren Mitchell, Joe Adrignola, Joe Collie, Paul Cotton, Kathy Calvin, and Randy Brough are on board to participate. The next session is October 23 rd at Woodland Heights Elementary. More detail coming soon...

Hey Kiwanis...THANKS !

We received a thank you note from the Human Relations Committee thanking us for the contribution we made to Multicultural Market Day back on September 9 th . They deem the event a success and report that more than 3,000 people attended.

Are you ready for some football???

Jim Fortier advises that there is another home game at Laconia High School this Friday night at 6pm. Kathy Calvin, Chet Cilley and Larry Murphy will be on hand. All others welcome if you can lend a hand.

Safety First

Kathy Calvin reports that 5 bicycle helmets were donated to Woodland Heights Elementary School to be used as prizes during their upcoming Open House.

Ed Merski and Larry Murphy split $16.00.

The Winners: Two Guys...Five Eyes
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

Happy Dollars
Larry Murphy gave $1.00 because his sister in law did not find local housing and won't be living anywhere near him anytime soon. Ed Merski gave $1.00 for winning the 50/50. Jim Fortier gave $1.00 because he is closing on his house this Friday.

John Stow was late, but not fined as he brought checks with him.

Guest Speaker:
Lt. Mike Shastany from the Laconia Fire Department spoke to the club about the LFD's Dive Team. The Dive Team was founded by Mark Miller in 2002. Miller had been with the department since 1987 until untimely death while diving in March of 2004. The function of the Dive Team is to protect the citizens and visitors to the Lakes Region. The Dive Team is funded mostly by donations and contributions to fundraisers. They also have a corporate sponsorship program for the Laconia Lifesaving Fund. The Dive Team is equipped with 2 boats. One is a fiberglass unit, number 13-Boat-1. It's 22 feet long with a center helm and extensive electronics package and 200 horsepower outboard engine. The second is number 13-Boat-2; a Zodiac inflatable that is also 22 feet long and equipped with a 135 horsepower outboard engine. Each diver must reach certain levels of classification, including: Open Water, Advanced Open Water, Public Safety, Rapid Deployment Public Safety, Rapid Deployment Public Safety Under Ice.

They are certified to participate in any rescue on Lake Winnipesaukee and any water rescue in the City of Laconia. The Dive Team operates in rescue mode the first 90 minutes and recovery mode after 91 minutes.


Some of the slides in the presentation
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin Water


Inside the Dive Team van
Photo by W. Stephen Loughli

nanced Open Water

l to r: Roger Landry, Lt. Mike Shastany, Pres. Joe Collie
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlinublic SafetyRapid Deployment Public SafetyRapid Deployment Public Safety Under IceThey are certified to participate in any rescue on Lake Winnipesaukee and any water rescue in the City of Laconia. The DiveTeaoperates in rescue mode the first 90 minutes and rec

Monday, October 23rd

Monday, October 16th

Monday, October 9th
No meeting due to Columbus Day. We will meet Tuesday, October 10th. Boards meet, NISE collected.

Monday, October 2nd
Installation 2007. Still time for you to be president! Cocktails at 6pm, Dinner at 7.


Joe Collie

Kiwanis Kronikle is a weekly publication of the Kiwanis Club of Laconia, N.H., P.O. Box 757, Laconia, N.H. 03247-0757. We meet Mondays at 6:15 p.m. at the Pheasant Ridge Country Club, Country Club Rd., Gilford, N.H. Please call your President or Secretary about any Member or family member in case of illness. Email: Joe Collie or Steve Loughlin

Back Issues - Membership - Bylaws - Club Brochure - Raffle Schedule



In Memory of Max Chertok, Charter Member - Normandin, Cheney, & O'Neil - Byse Agency - Baron's Major Brands - Wilkinson-Beane Funeral Home - Decorative Interiors - Laconia Savings Bank - Meredith Village Savings Bank - Martin, Lord & Osman, P.A. - Hart's Turkey Farm Restaurant - Quik Laundry & Cleaners - Stafford Oil Company, Inc. - The Home Beautiful - Cantin Chevrolet/Cadillac