News That Concerns Kiwanians
and Their Families |
On the road:
Tonight's meeting was held at the Stone
Gate Vineyard in
Dick Breton
I pledge allegiance to
the wine.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin
Scott Laurent - Guest of Dick Breton
Betty Ballantyne - Guest of Dick Breton
Ivy Levitt-Carlson - Key Club Co-Advisor
Lauren Streifer - Guest of Ivy Levitt-Carlson
Paulette Loughlin - Guest of Steve Loughlin
Sue Nelson - Guest of Don Nelson
Pam Landry - Guest of Roger Landry
Pat Webster - Guest of Roger Webster
Joanne Merski - Guest of Ed Merski
Vi Adrignola - Guest of Joe Adrignola
Rosemary Murphy - Guest of Larry Murphy
John Markland - Guest of Roger Landry
Donna Markland - Guest of Roger Landry
Lori Marsh - Guest of Mike Marsh
Laurent |
Ballantyne |
Ivy Levitt-Carlson |
Lauren Streifer |
Paulette Loughlin |
Sue Nelson |
Pam Landry |
Pat Webster |
Joanne Merski |
Vi Adrignola |
Rosemary Murphy |
John Markland |
Donna Markland |
Lori Marsh |
Photos by W. Stephen Loughlin
Installation of Officers and Directors will be this coming Monday, October
4th, in the big room at Pheasant Ridge Country Club at 6pm. Lt.
Gov. Dan Witham of the Seacoast Club will be on hand for this annual event.
Mike Marsh will be installed as the new Kiwanis President. Joe Collie will
be the Master of Ceremonies.
Please note: If you have not yet signed up to attend
and you would like to attend the installation dinner, please contact
Joe Collie ASAP. Joe can be reached by phone at 603-455-5309.
50 50:
None this week.
None this week.
We Got Mail:
Below is a thank you card that we received from Betty
Ballantyne for our contribution to Roger's Ride.
"Click" on the picture above to make it larger..
About our hosts...
The Stone
Gate Vineyard is the brain child of Peter and Jane
Ellis. During
our evening visit, Peter and Jane treated us to a wide
variety of wines and were given a tour of the winery. The got the idea in 2002
while on a sales trip to California and a visit to Napa Valley. Jane calls
it a "hobby
run amuck." Peter
explained that they have one of the northernmost vineyards in New England.
They offer 11 varieties of wine - 7 white and 4 red and they have 350 vines
on the property. If cared for accordingly, the avergae vine can survive and
produce for more than 100 years.
A front page story on the Stone Gate Vineyard, which is featured in the current issue of The Weirs Times, can read in it's entirety by "clicking" here.
To prepare for being Kiwanis
President - Mike drank a little of each.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin
Off the wall pictures...
In the winery...
Stirring the grapes really
gets Peter's juices flowing.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin
Remember Then:
While looking through his many buried
treasures, Dick
Breton found a poster used to promote the Club's first bike raffle.
Prior to selling tickets on Harley's , the club initially promoted an Excelsior
Henderson motorcycle during 1999 - 2000.
Who won the bike? "Click" on the picture above to
find out.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin
Tonight's meeting was adjourned at 7:56 pm.
Upcoming Schedule:
Monday October 4th
Annual installation of new officers and directors
"Click" here to get back to the top of the page.
Kiwanis Kronikle is publication of
the Kiwanis Club of Laconia, P.O. Box 757, Laconia, NH 03247-0757.
We meet the second and fourth Monday at 6:15 p.m. at the Pheasant Ridge Country
Club, Country Club Road, Gilford
Please call your President or Secretary about any member or family member in
case of illness. Email: Joe Collie or Steve Loughlin