September 28, 2009 - Vol.20, No. 52
News That Concerns Kiwanians and Their Families
Dan Feehily
Senior Members:
Jim Fortier, Warren Mitchell, Paul Cotton, Paul Normandin, Roger Webster, and Peter KaragianisGuests:
New inductees: Steve Gorse and Dan Feehily
Steve Gorse Dan Feehily
Installation Dinner:
Please remember that the Installation of Dick Metz will take place next week in the big room at Pheasant Ridge Country Club and will starts with cocktails and appetizers at 6:00. Joe Collie will serve as emcee. In addition to Dick taking the gavel from Brian, we will install our new board of directors and officers. We will also present the annual Kiwanian of the Year Award. The cost is $28 for Kiwanians and guests. On the menu:
Roast Turkey, stuffing and gravy
Pot Roast topped with Diced tomatoes and baby onions
Tossed Garden Salad
Butternut Squash
Red Bliss Mashed Potato
Rolls and Butter
Turtle Cheese Cake
Cash Bar additional
Please RSVP to Brian Winslow if you have not already. Send him an e-mail to by October 2nd. We hope to see you there!
-New England District Gov-designate David Koohy will be visiting District 6 on October 3rd, at the Strafford Farms Restaurant in Dover. Let Brian know if you are interested in attending.
-the Kiwanis Club of Mt. Washington Valley invites you to the Kiwanis Autumn Express on October 18th. For details "click" here.
Downtown Merchant Car Show
Roger Landry reminds the club that we have committed to volunteers for the Downtown Merchant Car Show…that is October 17th from 10-1. We need 6 Kiwanians to help with parking. A sign up sheet will be passed around over the next few weeks.Kiwanis Funnies…
Paul Cotton shared that if anyone that needed a ride, they should contact Warren Mitchell. He only charges a dollar a mile. Larry Murphy also shared his experience of “roto-rooter” at LRGH and that is why he missed the Community Health and Hospice meeting.Paul Cotton traded in his motorcycle for a slower mode of transportation.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin
50 50:
Denise Dow won $20.00Kiwanis Market Watch: The Dow was up 20.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin
Happy Dollars:
Denise gave $5 for winning the 50/50 and having a new nephew named Cole.
Brian Winslow gave 10 happy dollars because this is his last meeting as President.
Roger Webster gave a happy dollar because his wife’s knee replacement went fine.
Dick Metz gave a happy dollar because his dog lost an eye and he renamed it Larry.
None because no one was present to collect it.
New members:
Brian Winslow lead the installation of two new members:
Steve Loughlin brought in Steve Gorse and Dick Metz brought in Dan Feehily. The installation was lead by Joe Adrignola.
Steve Loughlin introduced Steve Gorse. Steve Gorse has been involved in the family business for over 30 years (which includes Taylor Rental) and he currently manages Home Energy Products. Steve Loughlin shared his personal experience on a recent purchase he made from Home Energy Products and noted that it was Steve Gorse's honesty, enthusiasm and youth that made him an excellent candidate to be a member of the Laconia Kiwanis Club. Steve Gorse said that he is excited to be in Kiwanis and looked forward to assisting with the Bike Rodeo among many of the other Kiwanis activities.
Once he starts bleeding, you've gone too far.
Photo by Phil Bonafide
Dick Metz introduced Dan Feehily, who has been to several meetings and now will become a member. Dick said that Dan is a long time neighbor and friend. Dick spoke about Dan’s wife and family and then officially welcomed him into the Laconia Kiwanis Club. Ana
Dick got his neighbor to join the club. Now he has a designated driver.
Photo by Phil Bonafide
Subsequent to the installation, our new members were personally congratulated by the other club members. Congratulations and welcome aboard to Steve Gorse and Dan Feehily!
Tonight's meeting was adjourned at 7:14 p.m.
Upcoming Schedule
Monday, October 5th
Annual installation of new officers and directorsTUESDAY, October 13th
Boards Meet and Food Pantry money collectedMonday, October 19th
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Joe Collie
Kiwanis Kronikle is a weekly publication of the Kiwanis Club of Laconia, N.H., P.O. Box 757, Laconia, N.H. 03247-0757. We meet Mondays at 6:15 p.m. at the Pheasant Ridge Country Club, Country Club Rd., Gilford, N.H. Please call your President or Secretary about any Member or family member in case of illness. Email: Joe Collie or Steve LoughlinCLICK LINKS BELOW TO VISIT OUR FINE PATRONS
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