October 2, 2006 - Vol.18, No. 1
News That Concerns Kiwanians and Their Families
Warren MitchellMaster of Ceremonies:
Dominic Biello, WLNHSenior Members:
Roger Webster, Dennis Denoncourt, Howard Bacon, Warren Mitchell, Ed Merski, H. Max Wakeman, Carroll Stafford, and Roger Ballantyne,r
The combined age in this photo is 550 years, 8 months, and 16 days.
Photo by W. Stephen LoughlinSpouses:
Pam Landry with Roger, Janet Mitchell with Warren, Katy Stone with Jeff, Sandy Stafford with Carroll, Shirley Bacon with Howard, Dan Zawacki with Dianne, Pat Webster with Roger, Joanne Merski with Ed, Jackie Bonafide with Phil, Debbie Cotton with Paul, Betty Ballantyne with Roger , Gracie Cilley with Chet, Vi Adrignola with Joe, Susan Denoncourt with Dennis, Sue Nelson with Don, Jill Collie with Joe.
The President and First Lady...wasn't she pregnant last year?
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin
The BIG DOG: Joe Collie, Sr. and his First Lady, Donna
Photo by W. Stephen LoughlinHonored Guests:
Mayor Matt Lahey, Dr. Louis Ricciardiello, Marti Ilg, LR Day Care Center, Julie Rutherford, LR Day Care Center, Sandy Marshall, LRGH, Natalie Rudzsinkyj, LRGH, Randy Brough, Laconia Public Library, Phil Ricciardiello
Also in Attendance:
Kathy Calvin, Steve Loughlin, Larry Murphy , Paul Taft with Dianne Roberts, Dick Breton, Donna Collie, Joe Collie, Sr.
Past President H. Max Wakeman, Ginnie Wakeman, Past President Mark Liebel, Gary Drake, Stephanie Drake, Dick Metz
Max Wakeman should know better: no turquoise after Labor Day.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin
Security provided by Trooper (and former Pres.) Mark Liebel .
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin
Roger Landry plays "Monkey in the Middle..."
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin
Key Club Members:
Director Laura Brousseau, Kayne Kreitser, Alex Medellin, Michaela Champlin, Calise Houle, Nicole Lavassuer
Pledge of Allegiance:
Howard Bacon led the pledge as the most senior member of the club.
Objects of Kiwanis
Hon. Member, Past Lt. Gov, 1971 President Dick Breton presented the Objects of Kiwanis, He also presented Joe Collie with a plaque stating the objects. The plaque was passed to Dick from Ed Chertok in 1994. Ed received it in 1973 from Ben Zulofsky.
Dick Breton passes the Objects of Kiwanis to President Joe.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin
Past Presidents:
Paul Cotton (1991 and 2004), Warren Mitchell (2003), Larry Murphy (2002), Phil Bonafide (2001), Don Nelson (2000), Mark Liebel (1998), Chet Cilley (1997), Joe Adrignola (1993), Roger Webster (1992), Jim Fortier (1988), Roger Ballantyne (1986), Dennis Denoncourt (1985), Dick Breton (1971), H. Max Wakeman (1962), Howard Bacon (1957)
Out With The Old...
Joe Collie thanked the outgoing members of the board of directors for their service. Steve Loughlin, Joe Adrignola, Don Nelson, and Jeff Stone were discharged by Past Lt. Gov. Chet Cilley.
...In With The New
Past Lt. Gov Chet Cilley installed the new members of the board. Serving on the board through September 30, 2008 will be: Don Nelson, Dianne Zawacki, Phil Bonafide, and Ed Merski.
Not so Fast...
Still on the board for another year are: Warren Mitchell, Jim Fortier, Peter Karagianis, and Nancy Williams-Hunt. Stay tuned.
Four More Years!
Paul Cotton recognized Joe Collie for his service as President. Paul presented Joe with a Past President nametag, pin, and plaque and warned him not to use any of them until next year. Joe Collie thanked the club for their efforts and for making his year in office easy. He cited Paul Cotton for his work on the motorcycle raffle and the bike rodeo in Chet's absence. Upon being installed for the second go around, Joe Collie said he looks forward to working with everyone again and continuing to learn from his fellow Kiwanians. He also says he looks forward to installing someone else next year.
"Don't hang this till next year..."
Photo by W. Stephen LoughlinCha-Ching
Paul Cotton presented Randy Brough with a check for $7,000 toward the pledge the club made in funding the Kiwanis Children's room at Laconia Public Library. Warren Mitchell presented Marti Ing and Julie Rutherford with a check for $15,000 toward the pledge of $45,000 for the new Day Care Center. Joe Adrignola presented Sandy Marshall and Natalie Rudzinskyj from LRGH with a check for $12, 250 for their half of the "Tilly The Titan" fundraiser.
Joe Collie makes good on his overdue book charges.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin
2 girls, a guy, and a check.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin
Joe Adrignola holds the check with both hands. You can let go now, Joe.
Photo by W. Stephen LoughlinThanks, Lou.
In recognition of his generosity and enthusiasm for the club, Joe Adrignola presented Dr. Lou Ricciardiello with a framed and professionally matted photograph of Lou's Dad, Phil Ricciardiello and Tilly the Titan. Joe expressed the joy the club shared in working with Lou and getting to know the Ricciardiello family. Joe Collie presented Lou with a lithograph of the original corpse flower, as Lou called it, which dates back to 1850. Small tokens for a man with a big heart. Thanks, Lou!
A small token for a man with a BIG heart. Thanks, Lou!
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin
Lou is so good...he grew a plant out of Joe's head...
Photo by W. Stephen LoughlinKeep Up The Good Work
Mayor Matt Lahey congratulated the club on 80 years of service and expressed the gratitude of the city for the club's efforts, most notably the donation to the Library and the Day Care Center. Lahey said when the club donated to the Library effort, it gave the organizers the feeling that the renovations could be accomplished and made it easier from that point.
"Let me explain the Tax Cap..."
Photo by W. Stephen LoughlinNed Would Be Proud...
Kiwanian of the Year Phil Bonafide passed the Ned Roberts Trophy to this year's recipient, Warren Mitchell. Phil was given the name plate from his trophy as a momentum. Warren was speechless.
Congratulations Warren Mitchell !
Photo by W. Stephen LoughlinLegion of Honor
Don Nelson was recognized for 25 years in the club, to which he responded by saying he was surprised to learn he was that old. Warren Mitchell was honored for 30 years in the club and Joe Collie reminded him that Joe was only 28 years old. Well done, men! This writer is glad age has not dulled your sense of humor.
"I didn't know I was that old..." 25 years for Don Nelson
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin
Congratulations on 30 years in a club with a 28 year old President
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin
Rounding Out The Roster...
Past Lt. Gov. Chet Cilley installed Joe Adrignola as Club Treasurer, Jeff Stone as First VP, and Dianne Roberts as President -Elect. Kathy Calvin was reinstalled as Secretary and Joe Collie was reinstalled as President for 2006-2006.
Quotes From The Fun Evening:
"Besides his parents, I guess I'm responsible for this..."
Dominic Biello on giving Joe Collie his first job in radio and in the community.
"You look pretty good for 80 years old."
Joe Collie to Dominic Biello
"If I was Janet Mitchell or Debbie Cotton, I'd be nervous right about now..."
Joe Collie, after Marti Ing referred to Warren and Paul as "handsome Kiwanians..."
"It was NOT unanimous..."
Phil Bonafide on the selection of Warren Mitchell as Kiwanian of the Year
"I haven't been able to sit with the Key Clubbers since 1982..."
Phil Bonafide on Larry Murphy sitting with the Key Club
"Yes, Joe. You can sit down now."
Chet Cilley to Joe Adrignola after installing him as Treasurer
"Joe Adranola."
"Joe Angranola"
"Joe Aganola"
Chet Cilley tried his hardest to get it right.
nd rec
Monday, October 23rd
OpenMonday, October 16th
OpenTuesday, October 10th
No Monday meeting due to Columbus Day. We will meet Tuesday, October 10th. Boards meet, NISE collected.
Joe Collie
Kiwanis Kronikle is a weekly publication of the Kiwanis Club of Laconia, N.H., P.O. Box 757, Laconia, N.H. 03247-0757. We meet Mondays at 6:15 p.m. at the Pheasant Ridge Country Club, Country Club Rd., Gilford, N.H. Please call your President or Secretary about any Member or family member in case of illness. Email: Joe Collie or Steve LoughlinBack Issues - Membership - Bylaws - Club Brochure - Raffle Schedule
CLICK LINKS BELOW TO VISIT OUR FINE PATRONS In Memory of Max Chertok, Charter Member - Normandin, Cheney, & O'Neil - Byse Agency - Baron's Major Brands - Wilkinson-Beane Funeral Home - Decorative Interiors - Laconia Savings Bank - Meredith Village Savings Bank - Martin, Lord & Osman, P.A. - Hart's Turkey Farm Restaurant - Quik Laundry & Cleaners - Stafford Oil Company, Inc. - The Home Beautiful - Cantin Chevrolet/Cadillac