October 18, 2016 - Vol. 28, No.1



News That Concerns Kiwanians and Their Families



Venue: 405 Pub & Grill

Invocation: Martha Kruse

Attendance: 11 members and 21 guests

Brig Clark - Lt. Governor New England District 5
Roger Webster – retiring member (member since 1980)
Jim Fortier - retiring member (member since 1982)
Arlene Fortier – spouse of Jim
Sue Nelson – spouse of Don and Honorary Member
Rosemary Murphy – spouse of Larry
Paulette Loughlin – spouse of Steve
Lissa Mascio – prospective member - guest of Meredith Michaud
Kara Stanley – prospective member - guest of Meredith Michaud

Brig Clark
Roger Webster
Jim Fortier
Arlene Fortier
Sue Nelson
Rosemary Murphy
Paulette Loughlin
Lissa Mascio
Kara Stanley
Above photos by W. Stephen Loughlin

Key Club Guests:
Alexyah Dethvongsa, President
Katie DiBona, Vice President
Josh Chandler, Treasurer
Chloe Bertocchi, Secretary
Ashley Burgos
Sierra Dawson
Lindsey Drouin
Arion Papablo
Emily Perry
Mia Setzer
Abby Shute
Maggie Sullivan

L to R: Katie DiBona, Maggie Sullivan, Lindsey Drouin, Ashley Burgos,
Alexyah Dethvongsa, Chloe Bertocchi, Emily Perry, Arion Papablo, Mia Setzer
L to R: Josh Chandler, Sierra Dawson, and Abby Shute
Key Club photos by W. Stephen Loughlin

From The President:

President John briefed the Club on the flow of tonight's meeting and welcomed all guests of the Club. The Club was canvassed and it was decided that the one regular Club meeting would be held on the second Wednesday evening of each month. Next meeting will be held Wednesday, November 9th at the 405 Pub & Grill, Union Ave., Laconia.

From The Key Club:

Key Club Co-Advisor, Bill Gile, and Key Club President, Alexyah Dethvongsa, briefed the Club on upcoming events and encouraged membership support.

Alexyah Dethvongsa gives her report.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

Help is needed:
the concession stand the last few days of October into the first few days of November.
-To cheer on the Key Club at the annual Lakes Region Scholarship Foundation Spelling Bee on Thursday October 27th. Representing the Key Club will be: Alexyah Dethvongsa, Chloe Bertocchi and Jack Maher. For details, "click" here.

-To cheer on the Key Club at the annual Salvation Army Turkey Plunge on Saturday October 29th. Program begins at 11:00 am.


President John welcomes the members and guests.
President John looks on as Immediate Past President, Scott Laurent, reads the Objects of Kiwanis.
Bill Gile one year of perfect attendance.

Steve Loughlin 10 years of perfect attendance.
Above photo by Paulette Loughlin

Don Nelson is presented a Legion Of Honor certificate for 35 years of membership.
Dennis Denoncourt, who could not be present, was also recognized as a 35 year member of the Club.
Steve Loughlin receives a placque as outgoing Kiwanian of the Year.
Above photo by Phil Bonafide
Steve introduces Betty Ballantyne, Kiwanian of the Year.
To hear Steve's speech and Betty's comments, click" here.
  Paulette Loughlin takes a photo op. Betty Ballantyne listens attentively.
Above three photos by Phil Bonafide    
Steve Loughlin congratulates the 2015-2016 Kiwanian Of The Year, Betty Ballantyne.
Above photo by Paulette Loughlin
Lt. Gov. Brig Young recognizes the Club with the 2015-2016 New England District Public Relations Award
Pres. John Walker is congratulated by Lt. Gov. Brig Young.
Lt. Gov. Brig Young gives recognition to outgoing President John Walker and outgoing Secretary/Treasurer Kathy Calvin.
Phil Bonafide is installed as a new Director by Lt. Gov. Brig Young..
Lt. Gov. Brig Young installs Scott Laurent as the new Treasurer.
Lt. Gov. Brig Young installs Muff Kruse as the new Secretary.
Lt. Gov. Brig Young installs Bill Gile as First Vice President.
Immediate Past President, Scott Laurent, presents John Walker with his Past President plaque.
Lt. Gov. Brig Young congratulates Meredith Michaud, the new Laconia Kiwanis Club President.
John Walker enjoys a photo op with Kiwanian of the Year, Betty Ballantyne.
Immediate Past President John Walker shares a smile with Past President (1992-93), Roger Webster.
One last Key Club photo op before saying...
Front Row L to R: Key Club Co-Advisor Bill Gile, Chloe Bertocchi, Lindsey Drouin, Alexyah Dethvongsa, Katie DiBona Back Row L to R: Josh Chandler, Maggie Sullivan, Emily Perry, Mia Setzer, Ashley Bortus, and Arion Papabl
Unless otherwise noted, all photos by W. Stephen Loughlin


Meeting adjourned at 7:34 p.m.


THANK YOU, Kiwanis!
The Laconia Kiwanis Club recently received a thank you letter from Dominic Cannuli for the scholarship that we awarded him through Lakes Region Scholarship Foundation. Dominic, the 2015 - 2016, Key Club President, is a freshman at Suffolk University where he is majoring in Finance. "Click" on the card below to read Dominic's thank you letter.


Past President Brian Winslow was kind enough to cut and laminate new badges for club members and prospective members. Brian's efforts are very much appreciated.



Kiwanis K.A.R.E.S (Kids And Reading Equals Success)

"Click" below to read the story that appeared in:

The Laconia Daily Sun, dated, 10/22/16


Kiwanis Donation

"Click" below to read the story that appeared in:

The Laconia Daily Sun, dated 10/1/16

The Citizen, dated 9/27/16



Betty Ballantyne and Steve Loughlin met Peter Noone, lead singer of Herman's Hermits, during his appearance at the Laconia Middle School on September 23rd. To view pictures and video from the show, "click" here.

Betty Ballantyne with Peter Noone
Peter Noone and Steve Loughlin
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin   Photo by Angelo Gentile


















Thursday - October 27th - 6:00 pm - Venue: Laconia High School, Union Ave., Laconia
Spelling Bee - Support the Laconia Key participants in this annual Spelling Bee

Saturday - October 29th - 11:00 am - Venue: Opechee Park, Main Street, Laconia
Salvation Army Turkey Plunge - Participate with the Key Club in this annual Salvation Army fund-raiser OR cheer on the Laconia Key Club divers.

Wednesday - November 9th - 6:15 pm -Venue: 405 Pub & Grill - 405 Union Ave., Laconia
Club Meeting


If you are not on the Kiwanis Bulletin e-mail list (and would like to be) please give Steve Loughlin your e-mail address. Also, if you are reading this bulletin and are not presently on the mailing list (and would like to be), “click” here.

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