October 22, 2012 - Vol. 24, No. 2


News That Concerns Kiwanians and Their Families




20 members
20 guests

Frank Dennett - New England District Governor
Molly Dennett - New England District first lady
Carolyn Patton - Lieutenant Governor District 6
John Hammond- Key Club Vice President

Frank Dennett
Molly Dennett
Carolyn Patton
John Hammond

Candy Laurent - Scott's mother
Kelly Oliver - Scott's sister
Chuck Laurent - Scott's uncle
Dee Laurent - Scott's aunt

Candy Laurent
Kelly Oliver
Chuck Laurent
Dee Laurent


Hillary Jollimore - Meredith Kiwanis Club Board Member
Tim Seeger - Hillary Jollimore's spouse

Jane Dickson - Lori Dickson's mother
Pat Williams - Lori Dickson's aunt

Hillary Jollimore
Tim Seeger
Jane Dickson
Pat Williams

Vi Adrignola - Joe's spouse
Shelly Batchelder - Jack's spouse
Pam Landry - Pres. Roger's first lady
Joanne Merski - Ed's spouse

Vi Adrignola
Shelly Batchelder
Pam Landry
Joanne Merski

Janet Mitchell - Warren's spouse
Rosemary Murphy
- Larry's spouse
Sue Nelson - Don'
s spouse
Pat Webster - Roger's s

Janet Mitchell
Rosemary Murphy
Sue Nelson
Pat Webster

Warren Mitchell

Pledge of Allegiance:
Howard Bacon, our most senior member (59 years) led the club

God Bless America:
Don Nelson

Don Nelson is focused on singing
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

Objects of Kiwanis:
Past President, Past Lt. Governor, Honorary Member, and Lifetime Member Dick Breton presented the club with The Objects of Kiwanis.

Lifetime member Dick Breton
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin


Past Presidents:
The following past presidents of the club were present:
Warren Mitchell, Dick Breton, Larry Murphy, Don Nelson, Dennis Denoncourt, Howard Bacon, Roger Webster, Joe Adrignola, and Mi
chael Marsh.

Two senior past presidents enjoy the evening.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin


Chow Time:

Roger enjoys his last meal as President.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin


Dick Breton questions Chef Jim if the meat is radioactive.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin


Remarks from our new Governor:
New England District Governor Frank Dennett, whose term started October 1st, reported his goals for the year:
#1 Membership – he asked each club to grow their membership. This includes family membership, corporate membership and former members of Circle K.
#2 Support the Eliminate Project – this is the Kiwanis global campaign for children, being held in conjunction with UNICEF to eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus in the world by 2013. For more information in this project, "click" here.
#3 Leadership Development – we need leaders at all levels of Kiwanis

Gov. Dennett personally invited all the members to the District fall conference being held the weekend of November 16 to 18 in Portsmouth at the Sheraton Hotel. The conference will focus on the three goals for the year. For more information or to register online, “click” here..

New England Governor Frank Dennett discusses his goals for the coming year.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin


Installation by our new Lt. Governor:
Lieutenant Governor Carolyn Patton recognized:
*the retiring members of the board: Brian Winslow and Steve Gorse
* the work of Joe Adrignola as Treasurer and Kathy Calvin as Secretary.

Lt. Governor Carolyn Patton installs the officers and directors.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

She then called upon Past President Mike Marsh to recognize President Roger Landry.
Mike presented Roger Landry his new pin as past president as well as the past president plaque for 2011-2012

Roger noted this "is better than Christmas."
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

Roger now prefers to be called "PAST" President
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

Roger Landry accepts past president’s plaque and makes farewell remarks. During his address, he recognized Kathy Calvin and Brian Winslow for their special efforts.


All present and accounted for:
Secretary Kathy Calvin acknowledged those with perfect attendance

Perfect attendance pins were given as follows:
Betty Ballantyne- one year
Steve Loughlin - six years
Roger Landry -
nine years
Kathy Calvin- eleven years

Kathy then recognized the following recipients of Legion of Honor Awards:
Joe Adrignola - 25 years

Scott Beane - 30 years
Russ Beane - 30 years
Jim Fortier - 30 years
Ed Merski - 35 years

Kiwanian of the Year:

Joe Adrignola, last years recipient of the Ned Roberts Award a/k/a Kiwanian of the Year, made this year's presentation. Joe noted this year's recipient has been a member of the club since 2007 and has a major influence on the direction of the club. He has served on numerous committees. He has been Vice President and President.

During the time he was President, "he literally changed the direction how we do business. We went from meeting every week to meeting twice a month, which allowed a lot more young people to come into the club. Tonight we will be installing officers of vice president and president that will be under 80."

Joe reiterated Roger Landry’s comment, that "a lot of work has been done by this individual in the background. Although not present, this year’s winner of the Kiwanian of the Year goes to BRIAN WINSLOW."

Installation of New Officers and Directors:
Lt. Gov. Carolyn Patton installed the following Directors: Immediate Past President Roger Landry who has just completed a term as President and is now going to be on the board as immediate Past President.

Continuing on for her second year on the board, which will run through September 30, 2013, is Lori Dickson. Incoming board Members beginning their two year term are Betty Ballantyne, Steve Loughlin, John Walker.

The following officers were installed:
Joe Adrignola - Treasurer
Adam Cote - second vice president
Jack Batchelder - first vice president
Scott Laurent - President

Scott Laurent is pleased to address the club as the new President.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

Closing Prayer:
Warren Mitchell, read a special prayer, which in recent years, has become an annual tradition at the closing of installation nights

Warren Mitchell
Photo by Dana Scott Beane

Right of Passage:
What has become a tradition in recent years for the incoming president of the club, Steve Loughlin presented Scott with his own easy to remember email address.

President Scott can be reached at this email.
Photo by Dana Scott Beane

Final Reminder:
There will be a board of directors meeting on Monday November 5th at One Mill Plaza, and a regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday, November 13th.

Tonight's meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m.


Post Meeting Smiles:

Lifetime Kiwanis member Dick Breton congratulates our new president.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

President Scott is flanked by his mom and sister.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin






Monday - November 5th
Board of Directors Meeting 5:30 p.m. at One Mill Plaza - all members are invited!
This is not a regular meeting. There will be no dinner served.

Monday - November 12th - NO MEETING (Veterans Day)
Tuesday - November 13th
Club Meeting - Guest Speaker - Kathy Kearns - Executive Director of the Circle Program

Monday - November 26th
Club Meeting - Guest Speaker- Dave Lynch -Executive Director of the Appalachian Mountain Teen Project

If you are not on the Kiwanis Bulletin e-mail list (and would like to be) please give Steve Loughlin your e-mail address. Also, if you are reading this bulletin and are not presently on the mailing list (and would like to be), “click” here.

"Click" here to get back to the top of the page.


Kiwanis Kronikle is publication of the Kiwanis Club of Laconia, P.O. Box 757, Laconia, NH 03247-0757.
We meet the second and fourth Monday at 6:15 p.m. at the Pheasant Ridge Country Club, Country Club Road, Gilford
Please call your President or Secretary about any member or family member in case of illness. Email: Roger Landry or Steve Loughlin