October 27, 2014 - Vol. 26, No. 2


News That Concerns Kiwanians and Their Families


11 members

Bill Gile

None this week

From the President:
John Walker, filling in for the vacant President position, invited Kathy to conduct a Club vote for new officers. The Club voted unanimously for John Walker as incoming President, Meredith Horton as First Vice President, and Kevin Irish as Second Vice President

Meet Our New President: Robert John Walker
Photo by
W. Stephen Loughlin

President John reported the following dates to remember:

• Nov. 6th 5:30-7:30, Patrick’s Pub: A Fusion networking event - Kiwanis will be there.
• Nov. 10th Regular Meeting: Meredith Horton will be presiding
Nov. 18th 5:30, Board of Directors Meeting, Tuesday: Irwin Motors Conference Room
• November 24th Installation Meeting, Kiwanian of the Year Presentation, Community Partner Award & possible new member induction
• November 29th Laconia Holiday Parade. We need a Chair for this event. If enough members participate, Dick Breton will use his car for the drive down the parade route.
• December 8th Christmas Party, Yankee Swap
• December Board meeting date TBA.
• January 26th Kiwanis International 100th Birthday Bash. Meredith is running this event and looking into getting the Belknap Mill for it.

President John also reported committee assignments will be announced in November/December. He is revamping the format and wants Board input. Every Kiwanian will be a member of the Membership Committee. John reported, “We are going to grow this Club.”

He noted, “I felt it was incumbent upon me as an incoming President to contact past members to discuss rejoining.” He added, “Paul AND Debbie Cotton will consider joining when they get back from Texas in the spring. Warren Mitchell declined with a chuckle. I will talk to all our members that are infrequent attendees to feel them out regarding the Club. Both Brian and Steve are working on members who attend infrequently as well.”

John then reminded the members, at our last meeting, Lt. Governor Andrews made two recommendations that resonated with him regarding growing the Club. He recommended we consider spouses and more retirees. John asked all members to consider asking their spouses to join. John’s wife, Muff, has expressed an interest in joining the Club in November.

John reported Jack Batchelder has decided that his request for an indefinite leave of absence is actually a resignation. Jack paid his dues for 2014/2015 but notified him and Kathy Calvin that he has no plans to attend again or to participate in any way.

John was pleased to report that Bill Gile has volunteered to be the co-advisor of the LHS Key Club.

From the Members:
Bill Gile gave his first report on the 2014-2015 LHS Key Club. He noted this year's Club has has 25-30 members, 10 are very active and another five or so are fairly active. Emille Maddocks is the current President of the Key Club.

Bill reminded the members that the Key Club is still looking for additional Kiwanians to assist them at the concession stand for their major fund-raiser during the Fall soccer and field hockey tournaments at Laconia High School. Dates are 3-6 November, from 3 PM - 9 PM, and all day Sunday, November 9. All time slots are only 2two hours in length. Please sign up by “clicking” here.

Bill Gile is looking for a few more volunteers. To volunteer, "click" here.
Photo by
W. Stephen Loughlin

Kathy Calvin reported that the next Kiwanis KARES event is at Pleasant Street School on November 6th at 9 am.

50 50: $11 was won by our new President

President John is a winner.
Photo by
W. Stephen Loughlin


Food Pantry/Free Meal: $31/Larry Murphy

Happy Dollars:

$1 from Phil Bonafide for the pleasure of fining Howard for not having his pin.
$1 from Steve Loughlin for Scott Beane attending tonight’s meeting and for his year-round assistance with handling tax reporting for the Club.
$1 from Dick Breton just for being here this evening.
$11 from John Walker for the 11 votes he received in a neck-and-neck race for President.

No K pins: $1 each from Howard Bacon and life member Dick Breton

Thanks Kiwanis:
We recently received a thank you card from past Key Club member Brenna Cass thanking the Club for the scholarship she received. To read her message, “click” on her thank you card below:.:

Tonight's meeting was adjourned at 7:05 p.m.


Dick Breton was featured in The Laconia Daily Sun for recently retiring from the Laconia Board of Water Commissioners after 20 years.
You can read the story that appeared in The Laconia Daily Sun of October 22, 2014 by "clicking" here.




Monday - November 10th
Club Meeting - OPEN

Tuesday - November 18th
Board of Director's Meeting - Irwin Motors Conference Room at 5:30 p.m.

Monday - November 24th
Club Meeting - Installation of Officer's and Directors

Monday - November 29th
Laconia Holiday Parade

Monday - December 8th
Club Meeting - Christmas Party, Yankee Swap


If you are not on the Kiwanis Bulletin e-mail list (and would like to be) please give Steve Loughlin your e-mail address. Also, if you are reading this bulletin and are not presently on the mailing list (and would like to be), “click” here.

"Click" here to get back to the top of the page.


Kiwanis Kronikle is publication of the Kiwanis Club of Laconia, P.O. Box 757, Laconia, NH 03247-0757.
We meet the second and fourth Monday at 6:15 p.m. at the Pheasant Ridge Country Club, Country Club Road, Gilford
Please call your President or Secretary about any member or family member in case of illness. Email: John Walker or Steve Loughlin