News That Concerns Kiwanians
and Their Families |
17 members
8 guests
Joe Adrignola
Julie Laham - guest speaker
John Hammond - Laconia High School Key Club - Co-President
Danielle Cote - Laconia High School Key Club - Co-President
Chris Ulrich - Laconia High School Key Club - Co-Advisor
Julie Laham |
John Hammond |
Danielle Cote |
Chris Ulrich |
Bill Gile - Guest of John Walker
Jennifer Watson - Guest of Jeff Beane
Zachary Laurent - Scott Laurent's 5 year old son
Grace Laurent - Scott Laurent's 5 year old daughter
Bill Gile |
Jennifer Watson |
Zachary Laurent |
Grace Laurent |
Joe Adrignola
The New Prez:
President Jack handles his first meeting with enthusiasm and a smile.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin
News From The President:
President Jack Batchelder welcomed our guests. He then:
• Polled the Club as to whether or not to meet on Veterans Day, November 11th, which is a national holiday. The result: We WILL be meeting on November 11th.
• Announced a sign-up sheet to work the concession stand with the Key Club on November 6 & 7 from 3:30-7:30. The event will be a soccer tournament.
• Reported we are still looking for a Treasurer to replace Joe as of December 31
A job description will be put on the Kiwanis website regarding the Treasurer position.
• Announced there remain two open Board positions
News From The Members:
Lifetime member Dick Breton:
• Updated the club on the health of Leo Sasservile, a former member, and Betty Holland, a former member’s spouse, who are both in failing health. Anyone with questions can call Dick Breton at home or his office.
• Announced on November 15th, the Christmas Village needs five strong members to assist him and the crew to load the Christmas Village set onto a tractor-trailer. Please meet at 6 pm at the Park and Recreation Center (Community Center) on Union Avenue, near the intersection of Gilford and Union Avenue.
Secretary Kathy announced:
• Shopping days for the Salvation Army food pantry are upcoming in December.
FYI: All Brite Cleaning and Restoration runs a food drive at Market Basket for The Salvation Army. For every item that is donated to them, they will match the item. So, for instance, if Kiwanis donates a can of soup to them, The Salvation Army will get two cans of soup. The club collected $500.00 last year. On the first Saturday in December, Joe and other volunteers will go shopping to the Market Basket.
• Successful KARES events took place at Elm Street School and Pleasant Street School.
Woodland Heights is scheduled for the end of November.
• If we are to participate in the annual Christmas parade in downtown Laconia, we need to make a decision in the next week. The parade will be held Saturday, November 30th.
Treasurer Joe:
• Distributed the financial report for the past fiscal year and beat the drum for the $100 ads in the Kiwanis bulletin.
• Announced that Ed Merski is recovering well and would like visitors. Ed is currently at the Inn at Golden View in Meredith. (SEE PICTURE AND UPDATE AT BOTTOM OF PAGE.)
50 50:
$32 to Kevin (Luck of the) Irish
Kevin Irish shows the green.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin
Food Pantry:
$80 was collected.
Free Meal:
Kathy Calvin
Happy Dollars:
$2 from Brian Winslow: $1 in thanks to the Club for it’s support of the Pediatric Program at CNHVNAH, and $1 for having Kiwanian Kevin Irish as a new CNHVNAH Board member. Brian noted that the Pediatric Program served 623 children last year and the support of the Laconia Kiwanis Club is critical.
$2 from Joe Adrignola who recently completed and successfully survived his two-week vacation to Italy.
$2 from Betty Ballantyne: $1 to welcoming Brian Winslow back to the club following a six-month break, and $1 to salute Jack Batchelder on his first meeting as President.
$4 from John Walker as he welcomed his guest, Bill Gile, and three Key Clubbers to the meeting.
$2 from Steve Loughlin: $1 to welcome Brian Winslow back to the club and $1 to welcome Joe Adrignola back from vacation in Italy.
$1 from Chris Ulrich who welcomed the Key Club co-presidents to the meeting. Chris noted that if anyone in attendance felt less than optimistic about the future of our country or our world, come talk to these two marvelous young people. Amen!
$3 from Kevin Irish: $1 to welcome Brian Winslow back, $1 to salute Jack Batchelder as President, and $1 for winning the 50-50.
$1 from Dennis Denoncourt in a salute to Scott Laurent's first meeting as Immediate Past President.
$2 from Scott Laurent: $1 for Jack Batchelder being President and $1 for having his 5-year old twins present.
$5 for multiple members being in attendance without their pins, and one member arriving late. New Sergeant-at-Arms Phil Bonafide wielded a very large hammer, and then offered to defend the accused members for an appropriate (large) fee.
Guest Speaker:
Betty Ballantyne introduced our guest speaker, Julie Lapham, a resident of Rye NH, who is the Community Outreach Coordinator with ENH Power.
Julie gave an electrifying presentation on the options available to consumers when purchasing electricity for home or business. During her presentation, Julie pitched her own company a bit and stated that they have 12-month and 24-month plans which can save a family or business as much as 12% annually in power charges. She reported that only 50% of a typical monthly bill is actually just for the wattage used. Many other factors affect the bill including power line usage, meter usage, etc. Julie went on to illuminate the fact that her company gives a large donation to local charities at the end of each year, giving over $50 million last year to two Maine non-profits. Joe Adrignola enlightened the Club by noting he and his business switched to ENH last year and he believes they are saving money because of it.
For more information on ENH Power visit their website by “clicking” here.
Julie Lapham and Pres. Jack Batchelder
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin
Tonight's meeting was adjourned at 7:55 p.m.
Photo Ops:
Scott Beane, 30 Year Legion of Honor member, has now attended two meetings in a row!
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin
A happy night out for PP(Past President and Proud Parent) Scott Laurent with his kids Grace and Zachary.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin
Ed Merski Update:
Ed Merski is doing very well after the stroke he experienced in September.
Ed, who was visited by fellow Kiwanians Joe Adrignola and Steve Loughlin (on Oct. 30th) at Golden View in Meredith, was quite talkative and looked great. In addition to looking forward to going home, Ed’s mind was focused on a Red Sox World Series victory.
Ed anticipates continuing therapy at Golden View for a few more weeks and welcomes visitors.
Ed Merski was experiencing Red Sox fever when visited by Steve Loughlin and Joe Adrignola.
Photo by Ed Merski's daughter, Diane St. Germain
Monday -
November 4th
Board of Directors Meeting 5:30 p.m. at One Mill Plaza - all members are
This is not a regular meeting. There will be no dinner
Monday -
November 11th
Club Meeting - OPEN
Monday -
November 25th
Club Meeting - OPEN
If you are not on the Kiwanis Bulletin e-mail list (and would like to be) please
give Steve Loughlin your e-mail address. Also, if you are reading this bulletin
and are not presently on the mailing list (and would like to be), “click” here.
"Click" here to get back to the top of the page.
Kiwanis Kronikle is publication of
the Kiwanis Club of Laconia, P.O. Box 757, Laconia, NH 03247-0757.
We meet the second and fourth Monday at 6:15 p.m. at the Pheasant Ridge Country
Club, Country Club Road, Gilford
Please call your President or Secretary about any member or family member in
case of illness. Email: Roger Landry or Steve Loughlin