October 29, 2007 - Vol.19, No. 5


 News That Concerns Kiwanians and Their Families



Past President Joe Collie

Senior Members:
Ed Chertok, Ed Merski, Howard Bacon, Warren Mitchell, Roger Webster, and Peter Karagianis

Ian Davis with Warren Mitchell
Sue Nelson with Don Nelson
Ron Penn with Dick Metz

Send it to committee:
President Dianne Roberts passed around the final committee roster. If you were at the meeting, you got a copy. If not, please see her in the coming weeks and see what committee you are on. A complete update is expected on the membership page of the website soon.

Dianne will not be with us next week…
President Dianne Rodham Roberts will not be here next week, as she attends a work conference overnight in Portsmouth. Vice President Jeff Stone will lead us…and if Jeff is not here then Past President Joe Collie will ring the bell one more time.

Peter and Paul…

...Me and My Shadow
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin


Schedule Reminder…
The Tuesday after Veteran's Day, November 13th, we will be meeting at One Mill Plaza. Joe Adrignola informed the club that Nancy Childress, the daughter of the illustrator of the Dick and Jane grade school readers, has pictures on display of her late father's illustrations. Do not meet at Pheasant Ridge and do not show up Monday that week! Again, November 13th; we will meet TUESDAY at One Mill Plaza. Any questions? Larry Murphy…this means you.

Reading is Fundamental:
We had 2 RIF book distributions this past week. Kathy Calvin thanked all those involved. On Wednesday the 24th at Elm Street School: Joe Collie, Larry Murphy, Judith Plant, and Kathy Calvin. On Friday the 26th at Woodland Heights: Joe Adrignola, Don and Sue Nelson, Dick Metz, and Kathy Calvin. Some interesting notes: Larry Murphy confused his days as he showed up at Elm Street School ready to read on Tuesday. Joe Adrignola had the right day, but the wrong school. He showed up at Elm Street School on Friday. Ooops.

Sachems Finish Perfect Season...
Maybe it was the popcorn Kathy Calvin popped in the snack shack all year, but whatever it was, the Laconia High School Football team finished with a perfect regular season record of 9 wins and 0 losses. Chet Cilley, Larry Murphy, Ed Chertok, Jim Fortier, and Kathy Calvin were all in the snack shack last week. There is a playoff game this coming Saturday at 1pm at Laconia High School. If you can help in the snack shack, please be there for noon and thanks in advance for helping out!

Saluting the Soldiers…
Kiwanis was part of the salute to the families of soldiers serving overseas, held Saturday at the Belknap Mill and featuring a band, BBQ, face painting, and card to soldiers. The event was hampered by the rain. That aside, Dick Metz said the event provided a good opportunity for Kiwanis to get the word out about what we do and who we are. On hand Saturday, Lori Dickson, Pam Landry, Dick Metz, Howard Bacon, Roger Webster, Joe Collie, Mike Marsh, Jim Fortier, and Joe Adrignola. The article that appered in The Citizen recapping the day's events is included below.


Ed Chertok shared a story about being on the radio with Esther Peters some time ago, promoting his furniture store. He said that he would give a brand new dollar bill to everyone who came into the store that day. He went to the bank after the radio spot aired and he took out 50 brand new bills. That day, he gave away $18. The moral of Ed's story was that the club needs to advertise and get the word out about ourselves. People will react to our message and they will be interested in Kiwanis just like they were interested in getting a dollar at Chertok's that day. Perhaps we should give everyone who comes to Kiwanis a dollar…

Just in time for Halloween, the former mayor puts a spell on his fellow Kiwanians.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin


Win this Caddy!
A Caddy Raffle could be in the works. More to follow…stay tuned!

Ron Penn won $27. Russ Beane was not here.

Our guest takes advtange of Russ Beane's absence as HE wins the 50/50...
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

Happy Dollars
Ed Merski gave a dollar for his recent trip to Poland.
Sue Nelson gave a dollar for Don's birthday, Tuesday 10/30/07.
Mike Marsh gave a dollar for the Patriots Cheerleaders in costume at Sunday's game.
Ron Penn gave 3 for winning the other 24.
Ed Chertok gave 3; 1 for seeing Ian Davis again, 1 for a picture of he and Peter Karaginais from 1952 in Washington, DC that he found and passed around, and 1 for now being able to get some sleep with the World Series being over.

Chet Cilley, former President, Treasurer, Lt. Governor, and current Kiwanian of The Year, was fined a dollar for not wearing his nametag.

Guest Speaker:
Ed Engler, the editor and publisher of The Laconia Daily Sun, was introduced to the club by Steve Loughlin, who recalled his first time reading the Sun. Some highlights from Ed's talk:
He's got 30 years in the newspaper business.
He's gotten use to the public scrutiny of being published everyday.
The paper debuted in Laconia in June 2000.
13,000 copies are printed every Monday through Friday and 11,500 on Saturdays.
The material is gathered and designed here, then sent to Conway over the web, were the paper is printed at their press, the same press that produced The Conway Daily Sun.
Free dailys started in Aspen, CO in 1979 and flourished in ski resort towns, where their only competition was weekly papers. They have also flourished in suburbia and in subways.




President Dianne with Ed and Steve, both of whom are in front of the camera for a change.
Photo by Joe Adrignola




Kiwanians on the radio and in the paper...n

Last week, Joe Collie received accolades for his recent radio awards as national radio personality, Jim Bohanan signed off on the nationally synticated radio talk show America in the MORNING. Take a listen to Jim Bohanan's sign-off by "clicking" here.




"To go back to Saluting the Soldiers, click here.

Upcoming Schedule:


Monday, November 5th
Boards meet. Food Pantry money collected.

Tuesday, November 13th (Monday is Veteran's Day)
We will meet at One Mill Plaza for the Dick and Jane display.

Monday, November 19th
Steven Beals, Principal of Laconia High School

Monday, November 26th

Monday, December 3rd
Boards meet, Food Pantry money collected

Monday, December 10th
Children's Christmas Party

Monday, December 17th
Christmas Party at Dick Metz' house. Spouses welcome.


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Joe Collie

Kiwanis Kronikle is a weekly publication of the Kiwanis Club of Laconia, N.H., P.O. Box 757, Laconia, N.H. 03247-0757. We meet Mondays at 6:15 p.m. at the Pheasant Ridge Country Club, Country Club Rd., Gilford, N.H. Please call your President or Secretary about any Member or family member in case of illness. Email: Joe Collie or Steve Loughlin

Back Issues - MpBylaws - Membership

In Memory of Max Chertok, Charter Member - Normandin, Cheney, & O'Neil - Byse Agency - Wilkinson-Beane Funeral Home - Metz Electronics - Laconia Savings Bank - Meredith Village Savings Bank - Martin, Lord & Osman, P.A. - Hart's Turkey Farm Restaurant - NAPA Auto Parts - Stafford Oil Company, Inc. - The Home Beautiful - Cantin Chevrolet/Cadillac