November 10, 2014 - Vol. 26, No. 3


News That Concerns Kiwanians and Their Families


11 members 3 guests

Meredith Horton

Len Campbell - guest speaker
Nan Campbell - wife of Len
Sue Nelson- Honorary Member

Len Campbell
Nan Campbell
Sue Nelson

From the President:

President John reported the following dates to remember:
Nov. 18th 5:30, Board of Directors Meeting, Tuesday: Irwin Motors Conference Room
• November 24th Installation Meeting, Kiwanian of the Year Presentation, Community Partner Award & possible new member induction

President John also reported committee assignments will be announced in December.

President John makes a Veterans Day toast in honor of our Kiwanis veterans.
Photo by
W. Stephen Loughlin


A Sweet Pep Talk:
President John gave each member a bag of a famous brand name candy noting the two letter initials on the bag stood for his message to the club which is: Members Matter. He stressed, “we need more members” and that recruiting new members to our Club will be the emphasis of his term.

m&m: Members Matter!
Photo by
W. Stephen Loughlin

From the Members:
Meredith Horton briefed the Club on the plans for the Holiday Parade through downtown Laconia the Saturday following Thanksgiving, November 29th at 1 PM.  Kiwanis will have a float decorated so as to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of Kiwanis International.  All members are strongly encouraged to participate.  An online sign-up will be sent to all members.

Meredith also briefed the Club on plans being developed for a LARGE birthday celebration in January in honor of the 100th birthday of Kiwanis International. This meeting, which will be in lieu of our 2nd meeting of the month, will be held at the Belknap Mill.  Stay tuned for more details.

Meredith reported Hands Across the Table is holding a dessert sale at the Beane Conference Center November 23rd.  Please try to support this cause.

Bill Gile announced a Holiday Variety Show at Laconia High School auditorium on December 11th named Laconia’s Got Talent put on by the Honor Society and Laconia Key Club . An attendance fee will be charged with proceeds to be donated to Got Lunch! Laconia.

Don Nelson reported a K.A.R.E.S. event occurred last week at Pleasant Street School and was a big success.

50 50: $21 was won by Betty Ballantyne

The spotlight is on the winner.
Photo by
W. Stephen Loughlin

Happy Dollars:

$5 from John Walker who donated some of the monies he won at Rotary after winning their 50-50 at a special Veteran’s lunch he was invited to attend last week.
$1 from Steve Loughlin who saluted the great work of Bill Gile, the new Key Club Co-Advisor, for attending and supporting the Key Club at the recent spelling bee and the many hours he put in at the concession stand last week and week-end.
$5 from Bill Gile for the help Kiwanis provided to the Key Club at the concession stand last week and for the Key Club being the last student team left standing at the recent spelling bee. SEE STORY AT BOTTOM OF PAGE
$1 from Roger Webster who noted he was giving “an unhappy dollar for being happy.”
$1 from Betty Ballantyne to remind everyone of an upcoming Putnam Fund event at Laconia High School on November 28th at 7 PM. The program will be Johnny A., a noted guitarist, and the James Montgomery Band. Admission is free.
$1 from Meredith Horton for the opportunity to work the concession stand with the Key Club. She noted they are “such a good group, they’re responsible (and) they are a pleasure to be around.”

$1 - The Sheriff nailed Meredith Horton for not wearing her pin!


Guest Speaker:
John Walker introduced tonight’s guest speaker, Len Campbell. Len has been with Catholic Charities since 2000 doing community and parish outreach work so that people in all situations can become successful. During that time he helped develop the Homeless Center for Strafford County and has been involved with basic needs and especially homeless and housing issues in both the seacoast and Lakes Region area.

Len Campbell briefed the Club on an additional homeless shelter in Laconia. The paperwork for non-profit status went in this week and, within the next 90 days, should be attained. Then, grant writing and fund-raising can begin. A property for the shelter has not yet been identified but is being searched for by a few local realtors.

Currently, a Laconia family may be sent as far away as the Seacoast or even Keene if they become homeless. The Carey House is generally full continuously, so the need is there. A lot of preliminary work is being done by Len and his Board to set things in place to move forward rapidly once non-profit status is approved. Len stated what the House can do is give families something they do not have now, HOPE! These are the folks that are beaten down by the system and need significant help. The Belknap House will provide that help. It will provide shelter and help to these folks to improve their lives. Once started, Len stated that different Civic groups could become involved one day per week to help these families with the daily challenges that they face.

The Kiwanis Queen of facebook takes a shot of Len Campbell for her next post.
Photo by
W. Stephen Loughlin
Nice Job, Meredith!
Photo by
Meredith Horton


Pres. John thanks Len Campbell for his presentation.
Photo by
W. Stephen Loughlin

Tonight's meeting was adjourned at 7:47 p.m.


Congratulations to the Laconia Key Club on their excellent performance in this year’s 14th Annual Community Spelling Bee sponsored by the Lakes Region Scholarship Foundation. The event was held on October 30th at Laconia High School. The team, which was sponsored by the Laconia Kiwanis Club, was represented by: Becca Sirois, Anne Dionne, Becky Olewine and Lily Chanthasak. Key Club Co-Advisor Bill Gile was present to support the team during the two-hour event. The team successfully made it through the first four rounds but were later eliminated when they failed to correctly spell the word “ersatz.”

Noteworthy: The Key Club participated against 23 other teams and were the last student team standing (in field of 16 student teams) when they entered the fifth and final round. Nice job, ladies!

MEET THE KEY CLUB TEAM: L to R: Becky Olewine, Lily Chanthasak, Anne Dionne, and Becca Sirois
Lily gives the correct spelling.
"Are you sure about that spelling?"
A valiant effort to spell ersatz.

L to R: Becca Sirois, Bill Gile, Lily Chanthasak Anne Dionne, and Becky Olewine

NOTE: The team is standing on a slanted slope. Bill is not THAT tall.
Photos by W. Stephen Loughlin



Dick Breton was again featured in the paper
for recently retiring from the Laconia Board of Water Commissioners after 20 years.
e Laconia Citizen did an extensive story on October 31, 2014 which you can read by "clicking" here.




Tuesday - November 18th
Board of Director's Meeting - Irwin Motors Conference Room at 5:30 p.m.

Monday - November 24th
Club Meeting - Installation of Officer's and Directors

Saturday - November 29th
Laconia Holiday Parade

Monday - December 8th
Club Meeting - Christmas Party, Yankee Swap


If you are not on the Kiwanis Bulletin e-mail list (and would like to be) please give Steve Loughlin your e-mail address. Also, if you are reading this bulletin and are not presently on the mailing list (and would like to be), “click” here.

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Kiwanis Kronikle is publication of the Kiwanis Club of Laconia, P.O. Box 757, Laconia, NH 03247-0757.
We meet the second and fourth Monday at 6:15 p.m. at the Pheasant Ridge Country Club, Country Club Road, Gilford
Please call your President or Secretary about any member or family member in case of illness. Email: John Walker or Steve Loughlin