November 13, 2012 - Vol. 24, No. 3


News That Concerns Kiwanians and Their Families




Ed Merski

Gwen Huot - Key Club President

John Hammond - Key Club Vice President
Bonnie Ashworth - Key Club Co-Advisor
Chris Ulrich - Key Club Co-Advisor
Meredith Horton - guest of Scott Laurent
Sue Nelson - guest of Don Nelson
Kathy Kearns - Guest Speaker

Gwen Huot
John Hammond
Bonnie Ashworth
Chris Ulrich
Meredith Horton
Sue Nelson
Kathy Kearns


President Scott reported meetings in January and February will be held at One Mill Plaza.

December 10th will be our only meeting in December.

Scott Laurent presides over his first meeting as President.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin


Joe Adrignola reported the club had a Kiwanis KARES at Elm Street School on October 23rd at it was attended by Kathy Calvin, Joe Adrignola, Chet Cilley and Larry Murphy.

On November 1st a Kiwanis KARES was done at Pleasant Street School with the following attending: Don and Sue Nelson, Kathy Calvin, Larry Murphy and Joe Adrignola.

Kiwanis Bell Ringing for the Salvation Army is scheduled this year for Friday December 21st. A sign-up sheet will be passed out at the next meeting.


Key Club President Gwen Huot reported that the Key Club is participating in Homeless Awareness Week and will be sleeping out on the front lawn of Laconia High School on Friday, November 16th.

On Saturday, November 17th the Key Club and Kathy Calvin will be participating in the annual Turkey Plunge to support the Salvation Army. For pictures of Kathy and the Key Club participating in the Turkey Plunge scroll down toward the bottom of the page or simply “click” here.

Bonnie Ashworth graciously offered Kiwanis to hold some of their winter meetings at Laconia High School. This will be seriously considered.


50 50:
$12.00 was won by Sue Nelson

Sue Nelson has the winning ticket.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

Happy Dollars:

$1 from Sue Nelson for winning
$1 from Key Club Advisor Chris Ulrich who recognized Key Club VP John Hammond for the nice job he did in putting together a Veterans Day video that was presented to Laconia High School.
$1 from Ed Merski who proudly announced he is “gainfully unemployed again.”
$1 from Roger Landry because tonight’s meeting was his first meeting as Past President and Scott Laurent’s first meeting as President.
$3 from Scott Laurent: $1 for this being his first meeting as President, $1 because Meredith Horton joined us tonight as his guest and $1 because he initially forget to introduce her at the beginning of the meeting.
$1 from Bonnie Ashworth because a few days earlier she took a plane flight and had an opportunity to fly the plane.

None this week

Guest Speaker:
President Scott introduced Kathy Kearns, who has been the Executive Director of the Circle Program for four years.

The Circle Program is headquartered In Plymouth, NH. Kathy resides in Hebron.

Kathy reported the Circle Program, which has been in existence for 20 years, provides opportunities for girls “who are at risk.” Girls in this program are typically from low-income families at or below the poverty line. Because of that, they often experience all types of challenges. These challenges include: low self-esteem, poor academic achievement, and difficulties making and keeping friends.

The mission of the Circle Program is to provide socially and economically disadvantaged New Hampshire girls with the skills, courage and confidence they need to handle the challenges in their lives. This is accomplished by providing the girls with a unique combination of adult and peer support delivered through residential summer camp and year-round mentoring.

For more information on the Circle Program visit their website by “clicking” here.

L to R: Kathy Kearns and Scott Laurent
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin


Tonight's meeting was adjourned at 7:27 p.m.



On Saturday November 17th, Laconia Kiwanis Club Secretary Kathy Calvin joined the Laconia High School Key Club as they participated in the annual Salvation Army Turkey Plunge held at Opechee Park on North Main Street in Laconia. Weather conditions were excellent as the sun was shining and the air temperature was 44 degrees. The water temperature was 48 degrees.

Kathy Calvin and the LHS Key Club take a moment with Tom Turkey shortly before taking the plunge.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

The LHS Key Club is ready to get wet: L to R: Chad Cote, Danielle Cote, Kathy Calvin (Kiwanis Club Secretary),
Chris Ulrich (LHS Key Club Advisor), John Hammond, Alana Persson, and Jocelyn Allain

Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

Key Club Vice President John Hammond leads the group into the water.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

Let's do it again!
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

See you next year!
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin






Monday - November 26th
Club Meeting - Guest Speaker - Dave Lynch - Executive Director of the Appalachian Mountain Teen Project

Monday - December 10th
Club Meeting - Adult Christmas Party

Friday - December 21st
Ring the Bell for the Salvation Army - Downtown Laconia

If you are not on the Kiwanis Bulletin e-mail list (and would like to be) please give Steve Loughlin your e-mail address. Also, if you are reading this bulletin and are not presently on the mailing list (and would like to be), “click” here.

"Click" here to get back to the top of the page.


Kiwanis Kronikle is publication of the Kiwanis Club of Laconia, P.O. Box 757, Laconia, NH 03247-0757.
We meet the second and fourth Monday at 6:15 p.m. at the Pheasant Ridge Country Club, Country Club Road, Gilford
Please call your President or Secretary about any member or family member in case of illness. Email: Roger Landry or Steve Loughlin