News That Concerns Kiwanians
and Their Families |
Warren Mitchell
Adam Cote- Guest of Roger Landry and potential new member
Lori Dickson - Guest of Kathy Calvin and incoming member
Jack Batchelder - Guest of Joe Adrignola and incoming member
Cameron Hobbs - Guest Speaker
Darren Hobbs- Father of Cameron Hobbs
Adam Cote |
Lori Dickson |
Jack Batchelder |
Cameron Hobbs |
Darren Hobbs |
Photos by W. Stephen Loughlin
News from the Prez:
President Mike started the meeting with discussions regarding
the Laconia Holiday Parade. Our deadline for registering is Tuesday morning
so he was hoping to solidify the line-up. So far we have received commitments
from Dick Breton (driving his car), Joe Adrignola, Larry Murphy, Kathy Calvin
and some key clubbers, possibly Roger Landry also driving. We plan to hand out
candy and carry a banner.For
more details on the parade, "click" here.
President Mike also pointed out that two sign up sheets are circulating the room. One for the Christmas Party on December 13th (make sure you and your guest sign up…we are planning a yankee swap so bring a gift). The other sign up sheet going around is for the bell ringing for the Salvation Army. It will be happening on December 23rd…we still have slots to fill.
President Mike then reported on the New England Kiwanis Conference that he and Roger Landry attended this past weekend. He said that attendance was good and that they got a chance to meet many members and listen to many new ideas. Hands down, Mike thought the best presentation was by the Kiwanis International Representative who really explained what Kiwanis was all about. Did you know that the Kiwanis organization saves a life every 9 minutes?
News from our Secretary:
Kathy Calvin reported on her very successful Turkey Plunge. She joined the Key Club on their “Lumberjack” team with one adult and 5 students. The Turkey Plunge raised $16,000. That, however, is not why Kathy thought the event was successful. Kathy thought it was successful because she was able to get credit for going under water even though the hat she wore kept her head dry.
Check out pictures of Kathy and the Key Club by scrolling down to the bottom of the page or simply "click" here.
News from our Treasurer:
Joe Adrignola reported that the donation the Laconia
Kiwanis Club made to the food pantry will be matched by All Brite Cleaners.
Thanks to Kathy and Joe for taking the time to purchase food items this week.
Christmas Village News:
Dick Breton let the club know that the Christmas Village
will be taking place at the Laconia Community Center on December 2, 3, 4, and
5. Free admission. If you want to help out, they could still use some volunteers.
Dick Breton is already in the Christmas spirit.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin
We welcomed back two former members to the Kiwanis family
this evening. Both had previously been members of the Laconia Kiwanis Club.
Joe Adrignola introduced Jack Batchelder. Jack is employed in retail as an inventory receiver with Hannaford Brothers in Meredith. Jack and his wife, Shelly, reside in Laconia.
Welcome Back, Jack!.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin
Kathy Calvin introduced Lori Dickson. Lori is employed in manufacturing as an administrator with Laconia Magnetics, in Belmont. Lori also resides in Laconia.
Lori Dickson is welcomed
by Kathy Calvin.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin
Dickson and Jack Batchelder have Pres. Mike in an arm lock.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin
50 50:
Jack Batchelder won $23
Beginners Luck!
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin
Happy Dollars:
$3 from Jack Batchelder: $1 for winning the
50 50, $1 for being invited back to the Kiwanis Club, and $1 because the
youth sports foundation, he is involved with, was able to raise over $500.
$1 from Roger Landry because his guest and prospective member, Adam Cote,
is visiting this evening.
$1 from Kathy Calvin because her guest and new member, Lori Dickson, was with
us this evening.
Guest Speaker:
Joe Adrignola introduced guest speaker Cameron Hobbs
to the Club. Cameron is a prospective Eagle Scout and came
to discuss the project he undertook to receive his Citizenship and Community
Badge. Cameron is from Troop 143, Laconia. It takes 21 badges with 12 required
badges by the age of 18 to become an Eagle Scout.
Cameron’s presentation is all about “Healthy Community” and he spent 8 hours volunteering with the United Way researching and taking pictures of what he thought represented different aspects of healthy or unhealthy community. His presentation included the following aspects of our community: Recycling, Business, City Beautification, recreation, adopt a spot, WOW trail, Vacant and Re-purposed Buildings, Charities, Belknap Mill, Allen Rogers and Laconia Shoe. Overall Cameron felt that “our community is doing a very excellent job."
Cameron Hobbs makes his
presentation while Mr. Hobbs takes a vacation.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin
President Mike Marsh, Cameron
Hobbs, Darren Hobbs, and Treas. Joe Adrignola.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin
Tonight's meeting was adjourned at 7:18 pm.
Kathy Calvin and members of the Laconia Key Club participated
in the Salvation Army's 6th annual Turkey Plunge held at Weirs Beach on Saturday,
November 20th. Below are a few chilling shots:
""Click" on
the pictures below to see a larger size. |
Kathy and Tom Turkey |
Fowl Play? |
Jacks |
Race for the water |
Kathy tries to levitate over
the water. |
A bunch of wild turkeys.
Success! |
Photos by W. Stephen Loughlin |
Roger Landry and his team help St. Vincent de Paul:
Check out the story that was in the Sunday Citizen by "clicking" on the picture below:
Saturday November 28th
Laconia Holiday Parade -
starts at 1 pm from Wyatt Park - we need Kiwanis volunteers to march
Monday December 13th
Club Meeting - Christmas Party with Kiwanis Yankee Swap
December 23th
Bell Ringing for Salvation Army
January 10th
January 24th
Club Meeting - Kiwanian Michelle Cardinal will discuss the D.A.R.E. Program
February 14th
February 28th
Club Meeting - Shannon Robinson-Beland will discuss the Family Resource
"Click" here to get back to the top of the page.
Kiwanis Kronikle is publication of
the Kiwanis Club of Laconia, P.O. Box 757, Laconia, NH 03247-0757.
We meet the second and fourth Monday at 6:15 p.m. at the Pheasant Ridge Country
Club, Country Club Road, Gilford
Please call your President or Secretary about any member or family member in
case of illness. Email: Joe Collie or Steve Loughlin