News That Concerns Kiwanians
and Their Families |
Venue: Virtual via Zoom
Attendance: 16 in attendance: 8 members and 8 guests
Kiwanis Members:
Meredith Michaud, President
Betty Ballantyne
Phil Bonafide with his wife, Jackie
Ray Chambers
Bill Gile
Steve Loughlin
Kara Stanley
Brian Winslow
Pictures by W. Stephen Loughlin |
Special Guests:
Denis Murphy, New England District Governor
Bob Willey, Lieutenant Governor, Division 6
Pictures by W. Stephen Loughlin |
Laconia High School Key Club Guests:
Karen Abraham, Co-Advisor
Lydia Tucker, New England District Governor
Aidan Eldridge, President
Emina Ramic, Secretary
Cam Whitty, Treasurer
Pictures by W. Stephen Loughlin |
After opening comments by New England District Governor Denis Murphy and Lt. Governor, Division 6, Bob Willey, President Meredith commenced the meeting at 6:05 pm with an invocation followed by the group joining in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Bob Willey, Lieutenant Governor - Division 6, was pleased to assist the Club with the installation of Officers and Directors:
President: Meredith Michaud
Immediate Past President:
Scott Laurent
Vice President: Bill Gile
Secretary/Treasurer: Kara Stanley
Board Members: Betty Ballantyne, Phil Bonafide, and Steve Loughlin
Upon conclusion of the installation, President Meredith commenced the regular business meeting.
Meredith reported that the Bangor (Maine) Kiwanis Club lost two of their members on November 25th in an auto accident. She then had a moment of silence in honor of Sanford residents Gary Capehart (age 71) and Susan Pope (age 63).
Meredith advised the members of the opportunity to ring the bell for the Salvation Army on Wednesday, December 23rd in downtown Laconia during the hours of 9 am to 5 pm. The consensus of the membership was to continue to participate in this annual event. Kathy Calvin, Salvation Army Board Member and former Kiwanian, will be advised of the Club’s desire to participate. Bill Gile offered to email the members a link to Sign Up Genius so that we can keep track of those participating. In order to follow COVID19 precautions, the Salvation Army has purchased a fishing net on a pole which will allow distance between the car and the volunteer. To sign up or to view the hours of those participating, “click” here.
Annually, the Laconia Kiwanis Club and Laconia Key Club jointly donate monies for the Salvation Army Food Pantry. That joint contribution is then matched by All Bright Cleaning and then the two Clubs purchase food items from Market Basket for the Salvation Army Food Pantry. Last year, the two Clubs jointly raised $744 toward the food purchase which, in addition to a $50 contribution by a Market Basket customer, was subsequently matched by All Bright Cleaning.
In view of COVID19 and limited opportunities for the two organizations to raise money, the question was addressed on what will happen this year. The Laconia Key Club will consider the possibility of doing a food collection with one of the classes in the school and then combine the proceeds. President Meredith will discuss this topic with the Board to determine how the Club will address this year’s Food Pantry.
Meredith reported that John Walker has stepped down from the Board and is not renewing his membership because he is spending a lot of time out of state which prevents him from actively participating in Club activities. However, he would like to continue as a "friend" of Kiwanis and assist the Club whenever possible. Best wishes to John and Muff as they spend time with their children and grandchildren.
Meredith reminded the members that the $110 annual membership dues are now due. If you have not yet made your payment, please send your $110 check to Kara Stanley, Treasurer at the following address: Laconia Kiwanis Club, P.O. Box 757, Laconia, New Hampshire 03247
In view of COVID19, Meredith noted that our traditional Christmas Party with the Yankee Swap would not be possible. However, she questioned the group if they would like to consider doing a Secret Santa gift giving at a virtual Christmas party to be held on December 15h. There were mixed opinions about this idea. So, it was subsequently decided that, due to a lack of interest in doing a Secret Santa, a meeting for December would be cancelled.
During the Christmas Party discussion, the question arose: Where is Big Mouth Billy Bass? For many years, the festive fish had been the unique gift that resurfaced year after year at the Yankee Swap.
Subsequent to tonight’s meeting, and thanks to the assistance of Brian Winslow, it was determined that Billy was last residing with former Kiwanis member Izzy Brake. Big Mouth Billy Bass was hooked by Izzy at the 2015 Yankee Swap and has not been seen since.
NOTE: About a week after our meeting, a box was left at the doorsteps of your bulletin editor. The box contained no card or return address. The contents found inside the box will likely appear at our 2021 Yankee Swap.
Kara Stanley reported the results of the drawing for the Laconia Kiwanis $1,000 Fuel Raffle.
The drawing for the Laconia Kiwanis Club $1,000 Fuel Raffle was held “live” on our Facebook Page on October 30th. Participating in the event were Kara Stanley, Meredith Michaud and Meredith’s daughter, Emma.
Kara was in contact with the winner who was very excited about winning the raffle. She reported there were numerous participants both within the state and as far away as Pennsylvania. Kara noted that once the raffle was setup it was relatively easy to run and suggested we to it again next year.
With all 250 tickets sold at $10 apiece, the club netted $1,500.
Kara and Meredith are all smiles as they prepare for the drawing. |
Emma reaches into the bowl containing the names of the 250 participants. |
Emma draws the winner. |
Congratulations to Edward Lavallee of Belmont. |
Pictures by W. Stephen Loughlin |
President Aidan Eldridge reported on current service events by the Laconia High School Key Club. The Club:
• Participated in decorating the Christmas trees at the Laconia Rotary Park (see pictures below).
• Helped with the visit by Santa at Rotary Park
• Handed out candy to the trick or treaters during the Halloween event held at Opechee Park (see pictures below)
• Will be handing Teddy Bears to the Laconia Fire Department for distribution at local Homeless shelters
• Will be volunteering at the Belknap House serving meals once a month
• Will be participating in a day of bell ringing for the Salvation Army.
Key Club New England District Governor Lydia Tucker was represented in the 2020 Fall Issue of the Yankiwanian.
The New England and Bermuda District Yankiwanian is the publication for news and information about the Kiwanis-Family clubs of Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, and Bermuda. It includes various District reports as well as full page messages from the Kiwanis Governor and many of the leaders in the New England District including Key Club Governor Lydia Tucker.
To read Lydia Tucker’s comments in the 2020 Fall issue of the Yankiwanian “click” here.
To read the complete 2020 Fall issue of the Yankiwanian, “click” here.
In other Key Club News:
Steve Loughlin reported that long time Laconia High School Key Club Advisor, Dick Coggon had passed away. Mr. Coggon was a social studies teacher at Laconia High School and had served as the Key Club Advisor in the late 1970’s to the mid 1980’s. In 1978, Mr. Coggon was named Faculty Key Club Advisor of the Year by the New England District.
For details on the life of Dick Coggin, “click” here.
Betty Ballantyne reported the Laconia Kiwanis Club has budgeted $3,000 this year for the Kiwanis K.A.R.E.S. Program. Our goal is to reach all 3rd graders in the greater Laconia School System by providing free books to each student three times a year. At each visit, the students are given one book directed by the school’s recommendation and the students choose three books of their own liking. The Media Specialist from each school works in conjunction with the third-grade teachers to choose a subject and books. The Laconia Kiwanis Club orders books through Scholastic Literacy Partnership.
Normally, three to four Kiwanians/Volunteers will meet at the school and read to the students, hand out snacks, and participate in an activity. However, with COVID19, the protocol has changed and, until further notice, only the staff and students can enter the school.
Betty Ballantyne noted that the Woodland Heights third grade class had its first Kiwanis K.A.R.E.S. reading celebration and book distribution of the semester on November 18 and 20. The students met with Media Specialist Robbie Prescott at which time they were invited to choose two nonfiction books.
Betty also reported, Toni Manning, Media Specialist of Elm Street School, has already met with her third graders. Emily Gambastini, Media Specialist of Pleasant Street School, will soon be presenting to their third graders. Emily is Liz Rozenfeld’s replacement.
Photos by Robbie Prescott |
Our Kiwanis K.A.R.E.S. program was originally known as Reading Is Fundamental.
Since 2002, the Laconia Kiwanis Club has been motivating children by making reading a fun and beneficial part of everyday life.
Thanks to the encouragement of past president (2000-2001) Don Nelson (working in conjunction with the New England District of Kiwanis), and the efforts of past president (1993-94) Joe Adrignola (who worked for nearly a year with the parents, librarians and administrators in the Laconia School District), the Laconia Kiwanis Club became affiliated with Reading Is Fundamental (RIF), a not-for-profit organization.
The genesis of the Laconia Kiwanis Club affiliation with the RIF is explained by Joe Adrignola in a 2002 article that appeared in the Citizen of Laconia for the Club’s 75th anniversary. To read that article, “click" here.
The Laconia Kiwanis Club conducted its first Reading Is Fundamental outings at Elm Street School and Pleasant Street Schools on March 6, 2002. The schools provided banners, balloons, cake, punch, and enthusiastic students who all went home with a new book. Volunteers included Joe Adrignola, Kathy Calvin, Chet Cilley, Don Nelson, Randy Eifert, Joe Collie, and Jackie Bonafide. On March 27, 2002, the Club brought the RIF program to Woodland Heights School.
The Laconia School District was very pleased with the efforts of the Laconia Kiwanis Club, as demonstrated by a letter of appreciation from Assistant School Superintendent Marie Ross. (“Click” here to read her thank-you letter.)
It should be noted that maintaining an affiliation with the Reading Is Fundamental organization gave the Club the ability to purchase books at a 50 percent discount, however, it also mandated that the Club prepare continuous detailed demographic reports on all students. Because this reporting became very cumbersome, it was eventually decided to investigate another alternative that would allow the Club to keep this worthwhile program alive and, at the same time, eliminate the cumbersome reports. In 2008, thanks to the efforts of Joe Adrignola, arrangements were made directly with Scholastic Literacy Partnership which allowed the Club to continue to purchase books at a 50 percent discount and eliminate all reports. At this point, the program needed to find a new name.
Former Kiwanis Club president Joe Collie then came up with a preliminary idea for the new name: Kiwanis C.A.R.E.S. (Children And Reading Equals Success). However, Joe Adrignola, added altered alliteration and, beginning in the fall semester of 2008, the name Kiwanis K.A.R.E.S (Kids And Reading Equals Success) was born.
In the years that followed, and under the guidance of Kiwanian Kathy Calvin, Kiwanis K.A.R.E.S. successfully continued in each of Laconia’s three elementary schools. In 2020, Kathy Calvin passed the leadership of the program on to Kiwanian Betty Ballantyne.
Tonight's meeting adjourned at 7:25 pm. The date of our January Board meeting will be announced in an upcoming email to all members.
Many thanks to the following individuals for their contributions in making this bulletin possible: Joe Adrignola, Betty Ballantyne, Joe Collie, Aidan Eldridge, and Kara Stanley.
6:00 pm - January Board of Directors Meeting - MEETING TO BE HELD REMOTELY VIA ZOOM VIDEO - all members invited to attend
NOTE: In order to get access to a ZOOM meeting, you will need the Zoom Application.
To get access to the Zoom App, “click” here.
For assistance with the ZOOM meeting, feel free to contact Kara Stanley at 603-520-3233.
Meeting ID# 603-520-3233 Password: 03246
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