December 14, 2015 - Vol. 27, No. 5


News That Concerns Kiwanians and Their Families



Woodside at the Taylor Community

12 members and 3 guests

Meredith Michaud

Christmas Song:
Don Nelson led the members in singing Jingle Bells.

To hear Don sing, "click" on the icon below:


Sue Nelson – Honorary Kiwanian and wife of Don
Rosemary Murphy – Larry's spouse
Izzy Brake – guest of Scott Laurent

Sue Nelson
Rosemary Murphy
Izzy Brake

From The President:
President John reported on some Board of Director decisions from last week's meeting:
• The Board approved Ed Merski as an honorary member.
• The Board approved Izzy Brake and Sue Janes for membership.
• The Board approved splitting the Pumpkinfest profits with the LHS Key Club.

John also reported on the medical condition of both Dick Breton and Howard Bacon. (Editors Note: Dick Breton passed away on 12/22/15.)

Special Presentation:
President John announced that during our September Installation meeting, one member was inspired by Lt. Governor's Dan Andrews' remarks concerning the Eliminate Project, a world-wide partnership between Kiwanis International and UNICEF to eliminate Maternal Neo-Natal Tetanus from our planet. This anonymous member made a donation of an amount of $1,250 in Steve Loughlin's name which qualified Steve for a Zeller award, which includes a plaque and medal. John presented both to Steve at the meeting.

Steve Loughlin is congratulated by John Walker.
Photo by Izzy Brake

From The Members:
Kathy reminded the Club that we are ringing the Salvation Army bell on December 23rd.

Kathy also announced to the Club two successful KARES events, at Woodland Heights School and Elm Street School.

Kathy also showed the grocery receipt from the combined shopping trip with the Key Club that occurred the first Saturday in December. Over $1,200 had been raised to buy groceries for the Salvation Army food pantry.

Kathy Calvin shows one half of the total register tape representing the food purchase of groceries for the Salvation Army food pantry.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin


Food Pantry: $81 was collected for next year's food purchase.

The following volunteers agreed to man the bell-ringing for the Salvation Army on Wednesday December 23rd.



9am - 10am:sKathy Calvin and Don Nelson
10am - 11am:sKathy Calvin and Meredith Michaud

11am - noon:
sKathy Calvin and Meredith Michaud
xnoon - 1pm:. Kathy Calvin and Dana Scott Beane

.1 pm - 2pm:
Phil Bonafide and Steve Loughlin
.2 pm - 3pm:
Bill Gile and Betty Ballantyne
.3 pm - 4pm:
Joe Adrignola and Larry Murphy
4 pm - 5pm:
Scott Laurent and Rob Reid

Meet the noon to 1 p.m. shift.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

None this week

Happy Dollars:

• $5 from Sue Nelson for her and Don's grandson being accepted to his #1 college choice.
• $2 from Bill Gile: $1 for Kathy's rescue of the Key Club while ringing the bell Saturday, and $1 for a Key Club visit to the Tilton Veteran's Home today.
• $1 from Rosemary Murphy for her sister's annual visit ending without Larry killing her
• $1 from Izzy Brake for having the opportunity today to witness past presenter Officer Eric Adams do an intervention on a young lady in town that may just save her life
• $2 from John Walker: $1 for Don Nelson’s great kickoff Christmas song to start the meeting and $1 for Steve's Loughlin’s award


Yankee Swap:
Bill Gile draws ticket #1 and opens the first gift
Ha Ha. You'll never keep that gift of Baileys.
Billy Bass makes a comeback appearance.
Kathy has the Christmas spirit.
Hoop draws a gift for her grandchildren.
More adult beverages!
The First Couple enjoy the moment.
A former First Couple (2000-2001) enjoy a good laugh.
I'll take that, Meredith!
Bill Gile shows the final pick of the night.
Yankee Swap photos by W. Stephen Loughlin


Tonight's meeting was adjourned at 7:20 p.m.


December 2015

The Laconia Kiwanis Club and the Belknap House
joined forces to sell Christmas trees from a lot on Court Street next to Coldwell Banker.
Jeff Beane came up with the idea and spent considerable time representing the Club as Santa.

Jeff Beane encourages passers by to STOP and buy a Christmas tree.
Colleen Gerrity of the Belknap House and Jeff Beane of the Laconia Kiwanis Club
Jeff Beane does the Santa Shuffle.
Photos by W. Stephen Loughlin
Laconia Kiwanis Christmas Tree Fundraiser In the News:

To read the story that appeared in the Laconia Daily Sun on 12/4/15, "click" here.


December 11, 2015
The Laconia Kiwanis Club recently donated $2,457 to the Santa Fund of the Greater Lakes Region, an organization that provides winter clothing and boots to local children in need. Monies were raised from the Wine Down for Warmth event held on November 19th
at the Beane Conference Center and sponsored by Stafford Oil Company.
L to R: Rob Reid (Kiwanis Member), Chris McCarthy (Santa Fund), Larry Frates (artist and donor of art supplies),
Meredith Michaud (Kiwanis Member), Kim Lacasse (Santa Fund) and Curtis Stafford (Stafford Oil Company)
Photo and graphic by W. Stephen Loughlin
Laconia Kiwanis Club Donates to the Santa Fund In The News:


December 5, 2015
Members of the Laconia Kiwanis Club, Laconia Key Club, and All Bright Cleaning purchased $1,230 worth of groceries for the Salvation Army food pantry.
L to R: Laconia Kiwanis Club members Vi and Joe Adrignola and Kathy Calvin; Key Club member Sydney Stevens;
Duane Rupert from All Brite Cleaners; Key Club members Morgan Gamans and Dominic Cannuli;
Key Club Advisor and Laconia Kiwanis member Bill Gile, Dawn Perry from All Brite Cleaners and Ms. Perry’s daughter (front row).
Photo by a friend of Kiwanis
Shopping for the Salvation Army Food Pantry In The News:


November 29, 2015
Kiwanis on Parade
Bill Gile and John Walker lead the Kiwanians
Greetings from Roger Landry
Roger and Pam Landry extend Merry Christmas
Christmas Greetings from Scott Laurent and his friend, Scott Canning
Kathy the Kiwanis Christmas Elf
More Christmas elves
Honorary Kiwanis Member Warren Mitchell
Parade photos by W. Stephen Loughlin






Monday - January 11th- Venue: Taylor Community - Woodside For directions, "click" here.
Club Meeting -

Monday - January 25th- Venue: Taylor Community - Woodside For directions, "click" here.
Club Meeting -

Monday - February 8th- Venue: Huot Center - Laconia High School
Club Meeting - Guest Speaker: David Warrender - Director of Career & Technical Education

Monday - February 22nd- Venue: Taylor Community - Woodside For directions, "click" here.
Club Meeting -


If you are not on the Kiwanis Bulletin e-mail list (and would like to be) please give Steve Loughlin your e-mail address. Also, if you are reading this bulletin and are not presently on the mailing list (and would like to be), “click” here.

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Kiwanis Chronicle is publication of the Kiwanis Club of Laconia, P.O. Box 757, Laconia, NH 03247-0757.
We meet the second and fourth Monday at 6:15 p.m
Please call your President or Secretary about any member or family member in case of illness. Email: John Walker or Steve Loughlin